The Noble Renard

Oh hi TomatoFace.

Oh I personally agree. I just meant that “better” is subjective, so what’s better for me and you may be far worse for someone looking to Male Gaze themselves into an ejaculatory frenzy.

As always, when the headline asks a question, the answer is “no”.

Don’t physically abuse your partner. Full stop.

So are you saying emotional abuse is not valid.

Hit the “Show Pending” button (which requires you to first hit “pending” sometimes).

Yep, that one was probably one of the more insane. It honestly still shocks me in some way that these kinds of Satanic Ritual Abuse prosecutions were something from the 90s, since I was alive then and it seems so incredibly insane in hindsight, a mass panic like the Salem Witch Trials happening in modern America. And

Whoof. Hey everyone, just a heads up, there are some really awful takes in the greys on this post already, and likely to see a lot more flood in. Remember, don’t engage if you don’t want to promote their bullshit and use the dismiss button if people start trolling your posts.

Yeah, for me, the worst part about Kirchgessner’s response was this:

Yep, 100%. Am I glad that Avenatti’s work on Stormy Daniels’ behalf led to the unraveling of Michael Cohen and may produce even more damaging stuff on Trump? Yeah, sure.

Oh hi, Robbie Tripp, a.k.a. Curvy Wife Guy! Sorry we’re making fun of your book, but dude, there’s a reason you had to self-publish it.

I highly recommend the Satanic Government/Franklin Scandal episodes of Last Podcast on the Left. They admit they probably got a lot wrong, but if even 10% of it is true it’s still fucking terrifying.

Oh, oh, there’s also a rumor that my local serial killer was an errand boy for the pedophile ring that George HW Bush was said to have been involved in.

One of the most horrifying stories I can think of along those lines is what happened to Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14-year-old Laotian boy who was killed by Jeffrey Dahmer. He escaped Dahmer after having been drugged and tortured, ran into the street naked and bleeding, then when people called 911 and the police came, D

Those bastards! Now I have to play through XCom 2 again.

Yeah, I think I can just repeat my opinion when this came up back in March, which is that I personally think it’s creepy but also, it’s not really my business and quite frankly I would much prefer that people go to “sex doll brothels” instead of visiting an actual brothel in a place where prostitution isn’t legal and

Yeah, it’s completely insane to suggest that “every man” has been in a bar fight.


It gets even worse!!

Okay, but like, this is an actual quote from Curvy Wife Guy: