The Noble Renard

Another creator who is definitely a good man is Mike Schur. I was just listening to him on the first episode of the Good Place podcast and he was clear that he *always* envisioned the cast as diverse one, and that is so much. And I can never forget Melissa Fumero’s story of being so simultaneously proud of Stephanie

I mean, they could definitely increase capacity for like at least another 5,000 without too much difficulty. But they couldn’t double capacity overnight (which is what this change would require). It’s just not possible, and if they resorted to insane measures like no humane treatment courts would get involved pretty

I’m worried instead of “release” it’ll become “deport” instead. Do you think this will be likely?

My guess is a larger-scale, emergency ramp up of detention capabilities....

If Sessions actually succeeds in overturning X-K- it’ll be a nightmare for everyone. The whole thing stems from a weird quirk of the law. Asylum-seekers who arrive at a port of entry and ask for asylum are subject to mandatory detention by law, and can be held in ICE detention for the multiple months it takes to

Is this the place to discuss how good Random Acts of Flyness is? Because I absolutely adore the show; visionary, psychedelic, experimental, and yet still manages to be incisive and funny at the same time. It doesn’t always hit the highs it’s aiming for but it’s been one of the most mesmerizingly original pieces of art

Amazing that you read that as my belief that Trump isn’t a complete idiot. Note how I said “The Administration.” Which isn’t just him.

Who gives a fuck about the locks?

I don’t know! But apparently the April 2018 issue was her last one on Ultimate Squirrel Girl.

Or her writing/reading fan-fiction, which is still my favorite panel:

There’s been a lot of reporting that the Administration deliberately keeps his public messages messy and will even deliberately misspell things in Tweets as a way to both trigger libs and to make his base think he’s more like them. 

I have not! Is that also her?


Honestly, an after-credit scene set in Jersey City where there’s a news report about Captain Marvel and then a small Pakistani girl turns to watch the screen... would be amaaazing. 

I saw that in the comments soon after I posted this! Such an awesome little easter egg.

I love the most recent Hawkeye run! The Marvel Unlimited release schedule is like 6 months behind, so I just finished Hawkeye #25 yesterday and was so sad. Also sad that Gwenpool got cancelled, and that Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is losing Erica Henderson who is a great artist. I feel like I started reading comics at a

I’m sad there are only two episodes left

I know! Very excited to see the Flerken... though I bet there’ll only be an easter egg where something goes missing and the cat looks innocent.

I came to superhero comics late in life (literally got a Marvel Unlimited subscription a year ago and that’s been my first experience of reading comics semi-regularly), and I straight-up fell in love with Captain Marvel after reading the Kelly Sue DeConnick run. SHE HAS A CAT