The Noble Renard

The reality of surgeries pre-anesthesia still absolutely boggles my mind. It’s one of those things I just genuinely can’t grasp the reality of, likely out of a defense mechanism. Just... horrific to imagine what kind of pain people went through, and that’s not even getting into the issue of sterilization and infection.

Yes! Lagoon is a fantastic novel, and Binti is of course amazing. So glad to see she’s taking off.

Yeah. Fuck, I had hoped not to actually have to see an Anita Hill-type hearing in my lifetime, but looks like we’re going through this again. What a shitshow.

It irrationally annoys me that this meme attributes that to L. Frank Baum. They were written by Yip Harburg for the movie version almost 40 years after L. Frank Baum wrote the Wizard of Oz and almost 20 years after L. Frank Baum had died.

Genuinely glad to be hearing from you and other reviewers that Season 2 is good. I doubt it’ll have the same captured lightning in the bottle feel that Season 1 had, but I’m happy with it just being good!

Yes! Which is why it’s such a stupid thing for him to say (nevermind that also it’s incredibly insulting to the six people who beat the IDC members).

You missed the most incredible mixed metaphor/bad analogy he gave. Just... WTF. God, I wish he would shut up.

You can definitely date your colleagues. Just don’t sexually harass them.

If men don’t want to get fired for sexually harassing their workplace colleagues they should stop fucking sexually harassing their fucking workplace colleagues. That also goes for Hockenberry’s “awkward attempts at courtship” bullshit. GO ON FUCKING TINDER IF YOU WANT A DATE YOU PRICK. Leave your goddamn dick in your

New York’s election laws continue to be an absolutely disgrace, a national embarrassment of massive proportions and a festering wound on our democracy. And yet it is allowed to continue purely because it helps a single group; incumbents.

Some things are just good. Nobody milkshake duck her.

Hey! Abstract was a great show.

This gets a second season but Abstract doesn’t? Booo!

As a native New Yorker and devourer of bagels, I find your theory WRONG ;)

Then yeah, as I remembered, you’re like a year younger than me. 

If you’re still in your 20s I’m older than you. 

Same shit as the allegations that Richard Nixon beat the shit out of Pat Nixon; barely worthy of notice for Important Journalists Talking About Important Things To Do With The Nation.

I can’t catch a football worth a damn. I.... I never knew I was an orphan.

Anyway, how does one just happen upon a fight?

After five years here, the closest I’ve seen something like that in DC has been incredibly drunk people in AdMo attempting to fight inanimate objects. Now I feel let down.