The Noble Renard

It’s not really semantics, though, since so many people like to talk about punishing “criminals” or taking action to stop “crime.” There are lots and lots of things in the law which are illegal or against the law, but which aren’t crimes. You deal with things like that every day, actually, and are intimately familiar

I don’t think that’s how it works

Ugh. Yes. I’ve experienced that and it is an absolute mind-fuck.

Oh, absolutely! And, sadly, my advice is aimed more at the guys who are trying to get better, since the guys who are so blind to the accomplishments of others and the assistance they themselves got are... not necessarily reachable. 

Really interesting story, and definitely shows the ways in which the “Great Man” narrative (i.e., the idea that social change occurs through one or two individuals alone) can so easily erase the impact of women.

You say that, but right now, a young Zephyr Timblebum is booking her first modeling gig. And Glynda Wonklefuss is heading to Hollywood to follow her dreams.

OMG I love it.

Oh god, Clover, you just reminded me that I have an entire stack of burned CDs just sitting in a drawer that I haven’t touched in probably 6 years...

3/4 of my immigrant ancestors came to this country with the massive wave of the Jewish diaspora of the early 20th century, long after slavery, were discriminated against because of their ethnicity... and they still had a massive advantage over their fellow black Americans.

Only seven kids reunified?

Duenas-Claros was scheduled to be deported on Thursday—without her daughter—but the proceedings have been postponed in light of her lawsuit

A person close to Mrs. Trump

Basically, a chipotle burrito is an excellent delivery vehicle for sodium and “Mexican flavors,” but not Mexican food.

Basically, a chipotle burrito is an excellent delivery vehicle for sodium and “Mexican flavors,” but not Mexican food.

Sounds like the “law” that was violated was “disrupting an educational institution,” which is exactly the kind of bullshit law that is specifically designed to give police officers the authority to pick and choose which kids get thrown to the wolves of the criminal justice system. Which, to no one’s surprise, will be

Ooh, that reminds me that I could have a burrito for lunch.

Around! My June and July was insane (in good ways and bad ways) and a lot of my internet time was staring at pictures of cats to keep myself sane ;)

And that’s good for me because it means one less guy competing with me. I am 34.

Right, like, my partner and I have gone through similar maturing over the years, we’ve both changed, grown, and matured. And like... I enjoy that! We’ve grown together! So if I suddenly had to date someone who had only begun that maturation process, it would be super weird and we’d have such incredibly different