The Noble Renard

once I saw a nutria threesome when I was trying to eat my enchiladas in peace, and I’ve never been the same.

I can only imagine that this issue has accelerated with the rise of the internet and the hyper-fast meme culture in which things are popular then gone before you can remember it.

It is essentially us admitting we fucked up.

I agreed with your point that as a young(ish) man, I can’t definitively say I’m always going to keep thinking women roughly my age are the most attractive.

Damn pm_me_ur_goose_balls, that was a quick burner account creation for a single joke.

It is not unbelievable for a young man, which is what NobleRenard is, which is why I don’t think his opinion is all that valuable.

The notion that a particular agree range is”objectively” the most attractive is absurd, in my opinion

So I set the age range between 25 and 35, which seemed about right? Maybe I could have gone up to 40?

Objectively cute; also, should be murdered anywhere they are an invasive species.

A million stars for that metaphor.

The thing I do not get is that, like, do these peoples’s tastes not change with age? I mean, when I was a teenager I thought teenagers were objectively the hottest group . When I was in my mid-20s, I thought women in their mid-20s were objectively the hottest. Now that I’m in my early 30s, I think women in their early

Four words: Wrinkly old man testicles. Wrinkly. Old. Man. Testicles.

Ultra-orthodox Jews also often fear dogs. The Chasidic community in New York is very skittish around dogs, supposedly because of the use of dogs by Nazis and the community’s shunning of dogs in the past half-century.

A billionaire just SOUNDS like a slightly richer millionaire, yeah? But consider that a million seconds is about 12 days and billion seconds is about 32 YEARS.

I think a lot of people don’t realize how much $717 billion dollars is, which is why the fucking endless war aspect of this all just keeps slipping past people’s minds.

Sensory deprivation tank selfies; it’s perfect because it’d just be entirely black and you don’t even have to go stand in the sensory deprivation tank’s 17-hour line, you can just post a picture that’s entirely black and pretend you got in.

In doing more digging, there’s a very good write-up of this that someone at NYMag did, detailing all the twists and turns of the N-word tape story.

The latter.

I was listening to the tape but not reading the transcript so it wasn’t entirely clear what the cross-talk actually was. Now that I’ve had a chance to look at it, you’re right. The actual transcript that I’m seeing is:

Yep. She recorded a conversation where people were talking about what the tape might say, if it exists. Katrina Pierson says she doesn’t believe he said it, Omarosa says she definitely thinks he could have said it.