The Noble Renard

I skipped out and went to a crab shack in Annapolis instead. It was fucking gorgeous out. Great decision.

So, right now, the proposed regulation is not retrospective; anything you’ve done up until now is totally fine as long as it didn’t violate the old rules, and will continue to be fine until the new regulation goes into effect at some undetermined point in the future.

Right, but as regards the specific thing which the judge threatened to hold him in contempt for (putting a woman on a plane to deport her), that was a DHS decision not a DOJ decision (although it was DOJ that promised not to do it in court).

Pssst. No one tell the judge that Sessions is the wrong person to hold in contempt of court for this (ICE is under DHS, not DOJ)

Ha! You and I work really close to each other, and have likely passed each other on the street without realizing.

Are you heading down? I’m definitely planning on going, but I was also only about 50 feet away on Inauguration Day when MPD started throwing concussion grenades and kettling people (was just wandering by to check it out and came perilously close to arrest) so I have some tiny reservations.

A brief history of Americans (and proto-Americans) bemoaning new waves of immigrants besmirching the demographics of the United States:

I love that she hooked up with the other guy because she wanted to and that it didn’t ruin her relationship with Cassius

It did kind of bother me that she seemingly gets a ‘pass’ for using a white voice.

I tend to agree with Boots Riley on this one; I didn’t read Detroit as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. In fact, I think her own character arc was itself a pretty savage look at the ways in which even the hardcore Leftist has to conform to capitalism in order to survive; hell, she has her own damn “white voice,” and it’s

Under the most recently-leaked draft proposal, taking Medicare benefits would not be considered being a public charge, “unless the premiums are partially or fully paid by a government agency.” I believe this is since taxpayers, including the immigrants in question, pay into Medicare; it’s generally not “means-tested

Technically speaking, those that sign affidavits of support are responsible to repay any means-tested benefits that the immigrant uses. But that doesn’t expose the immigrant to possible deportation, or prevent future immigration benefits such as citizenship or ability to adjust from K-1 to LPR status. Furthermore,

As an initial matter, many undocumented immigrants are eligible for state and local programs that don’t care about citizenship, which are explicitly allowed under federal law. A lot of those programs are also open to parents of US citizen children regardless of the parent’s immigration status, because the benefit is

My understanding, from reading previous drafts leaked to the media, is that the change would not be retroactive; it would apply only to benefits taken after the rule went into effect. The most recently leaked draft also had a year-long implementation for some portions.

Well, this whole thing is about the definition of what it means to be a “public charge.” And there’s a ground of deportation for having “become a public charge” within five years of getting a green card. So if the administration tries to enforce this incredibly strict new definition, and in the unlikely chance that

As a fellow immigration attorney, I agree that the proposed public charge regulation is the single biggest change that the Trump administration can make without Congress to stop immigration. I believe a recent study showed that upwards of 25 million immigrants could be affected by this plan.

Damn, my respect for her just went up even more. What a fucking badass.

What you’re suggesting is a strawman. No one argues that there are no “genetic differences between groups of people.” Obviously there are. The issue, however, is twofold; 1) “intelligence” has no scientific definition and current attempts to measure it (i.e. IQ) reflect the fundamental biases of the test-designers,

And there’s a good reason they’re being sued for arguably imposing quotas on Asians (same as they imposed quotas on Jews a century ago).

Yes. Read the column; the argument he makes is that because races are genetically different, color-blind or race-blind policies will not work and we must make policy based on racial difference.