but what really killed it for me was his defense of Charles Murray
but what really killed it for me was his defense of Charles Murray
Honestly, shun them. He’s a white supremacist war-monger who’s done way more harm than good with his opinions. Exactly the kind of person who deserves social opprobrium.
Never forget that Andrew Sullivan is literally a white supremacist; he has pushed the incredibly maligned Bell Curve theories of Charles Murray for decades, and has written numerous columns claiming that rigorous science requires people to question whether or not black people are genetically predisposed to having…
“administration was instead prioritizing asylum cases in which a person is already in the United States and claims a credible fear of returning home.”
Hey, that’s an insult to penises everywhere.
Mr. Onionsboy, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may…
Fuck, can you imagine how incredibly awful it would be to have to put out a press release when you broke up with your freshman year high school boyfriend?
The children are innocents. But hatred, fear, and xenophobia isn’t natural; it’s taught. It’s a learned behavior and these children will suffer for the sins of their parents later in life; or grow up simmered in nativism and bigotry and perpetuate the damage.
Came here singing South Pacific too. What a fucking shame for those kids.
As you note, this is the second major allegation of ICE coercion in the signing of the ACLU’s waiver forms. ICE’s handling of this whole situation has been a fucking disaster, especially when the judge gave them like 3 weeks to fix their mess and it’s clear that they had never even come up with a plan to reunify the…
The form was created as a direct result of the ACLU’s lawsuit, and is itself the second iteration of the form. The first is supposed to only be given to individuals who actually have a “Final order of removal,” which means they’ve exhausted their options for remaining in the United States (at least directly) and so…
The biggest issue is the privately-run shelters. There are some shelters run by really good organizations, like Catholic Charities or Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, where I know those organizations well enough to trust that they’re doing their best to accommodate the children and are treating them well. But…
Amazingly I had a guy in the parking lot of the Valero on the corner of New Jersey and Rhode Island Ave who once actually did help fix my car by diagnosing a slow leak in one of my tires. Dude had just set up shop doing minor car repair for people stopping in. I drive past that spot from time to time and I see him out…
The reason the US is failing to bring these children back is because they’re either being raped or killed in some other country.
On that same call, the government claimed that the parents of 120 children in their custody had waived their reunification right, and struggled to explain why the overall number of children eligible to be returned to their parents had shifted over the past several days.
Dear Mountain Lion,
Thank you, Gita! I’ll make sure I have this at hand when I dive into the game later today.
That poop can be refined into the element you use to bribe aliens with to learn their language.
Appreciate your experience! I look forward to playing it.
Yeah, I basically had a super stressful last 7 days and then this morning I read about the new update and thought.... okay, time for some jetting around the universe.