
Yes she is definitely caking off of this. But also, I do think even though there are monetary/corporate interests in it (and that’s no doubt why Taffy got the interview), she still has a unique perspective as the person whose weight has been the most scrutinized of anyone I can think of in the modern era!

I know the difference between tarot and chemo thanks.

There was a very funny bit on the underrated show “Great News” when one character thinks “AF” stands for “As Frankenstein” and that DTF means “Don’t Touch Frankenstein” and WTF means “Won’t Touch Frankenstein.”


Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a

Tender sex as a MO gets on my last nerve. It’s ok sometimes, but other times you might want to get a little boisterous. Rough even. And when you growl, “Spank me,” and your tender lover goes wide-eyed and whispers, “I could never cause you pain,” that’s when you know this just isn’t going to work.

Another reason why America is failing it’s people. In a country with so much wealth, no one should end up homeless or in a one room motel with an entire family plus two dogs because they battled cancer.

Now playing

The couple family that makes horrible instagram cute videos of themselves working out together, stays together.

*leaves the corner, reaches for ice cream and two spoons*

Was he menstruating?

That wasn’t the totality of the interview or of her feelings but you can’t really blame her for having those feelings. She is hurt and angry and humiliated.

Really looking forward to all the people who called her a killer in the last thread rushing in here to fall on their swords. One thing you can count on, it’s internet people who were motivated ONLY by their concern for traffic safety issuing heartfelt mea culpas and vowing to learn from their mistakes.

do judges apply subjective assessment?

As another biracial person I understand the hurt you’re speaking about however, I hope you can see where the author is coming from. My criticism of the article is that this is based on an actual couple and I’m happy to see actual interracial couples and families represented. That said, the author is absolutely right

No, that’s not it. What’s upsetting is the portrayal of supporting brown characters as stereotypes. No one is upset that Kumail ended up with a white woman - we’re upset that his only other choices were presented as jokes or as comically one-dimensional characters.

This is a really bad take on a great article.