
Mindblowing? Not sure.. when we are talking about subatomic particles, the number does not seem that great. When I clap my hands together, I am probably causing 500 trillion atomic particles to collide, right? Well, not a collission in the LHC sense, but I am involving 500 trillion particles.

Its like when superman catches someone who fell off a roof, one foot from the ground. That person is still hitting superman with the same force he would have hit the ground right?

For me, its purely financial. I could no longer justify $100 a month. Five years ago, I switched to platinum tel $3 a month pre-paid. 5 c min 2 c text. I also got rid of cable for hulu/netflix (savings $80 a month), got rid of gym membership for running outside and total gym (savings $40 a mont) - I put those savings

Yes, but in moderation. You probably only need a few grams of fat to "unlock" the nutrients. I laugh when I see people trying to be healthy by ordering a salad and then loading it up with probably 4-500 calories worth of dressing.


I honestly don't know why this would work. there is no cushioning involved. I can see it preventing items from scratching each other but If i have two crystal bowls wrapped in a thin layer of plastic bags and they knock into each other, I am guessing they will shatter.

Has anyone here ever clicked on a facebook ad, once, ever? I really dont know how they make billions in revenue.

care to share pictures of how you put that together?

Great info!

Some people try to justify this by saying "well the bank made a mistake, so it's not really stealing"

Using Win8 release preview. Videos slowed to a crawl under opera 12, opera using 90% CPU. Went back to 11.64, all problems gone.

I might be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that closing more than 1 or 2 vents in a home can cause damage to the system..something about to much back pressure?

I answer phones for a large medical insurance company. Here are some guidelines from my experience to make things go smoothly:

Be very wary of DMO's , the dental variety of HMO. On the surface, they are very attractive. The premium from the employer is much less, they have no deductible and most importanty, no annual max! The problem is there is usually just 1 or 2 dentists in any given area that part of the DMO. The reason being capitation.

Now playing

This is my favorite , lesser known episode

It's like the time the guy told me unloaded guns are more dangerous than loaded ones because when you squeeze the trigger and nothing happens, you get frustrated and keep squeezing, which could result in carpal tunnel finger syndrome

I cancelled my contract service 8 years ago and started using platinumtel prepaid dumb phone for $3 a month. Last week, I used the $11k I have saved as a down payment on my first house. - Just saying.

I cancelled my contract service 8 years ago and started using platinumtel prepaid dumb phone for $3 a month. Last week, I used the $11k I have saved as a down payment on my first house. - Just saying.

When I was being treated for cancer, I had 5 Cat Scans over the course of my disease. Considering that a single Cat Scan can expose you to 500 times the radiation of a chest x-ray, its Ironic how much radiation I was exposed to during the treatment of my cancer. That was followed by 10 doses of radiation "treatment",

Ehhh - firstly, 100 billion gallons lost a year to drippage? who made up that number?