
I work for a large company with over 35k employees. The internal job posting site allows me to apply for a job, with no opportunity to submit a cover letter. It simply relays my application, along with my internal profile (that has my job history) to an outside agency that screens for the most qualified. It then

Is there any other way?

I imagine this is exactly what was done in a wind tunnel while these planes were being tested.

When I was 10, i took out a twenty from the bank with my grandma. I walked out of the bank still holding the 20. She smacked me and told me to put it away immediately. "you dont walk around in public waving around cash you will ger mugged, are you crazy?"

OK, so he pushed her out against her will. Had she died, charge him with manslaughter.

Strange how 70% of kids these days have gland/genetic problems today, but not in the 1950's

I was at the food court at O'hare yesterday. As I sat with my cofee, trying to crack the Boingo Wifi password, I observed a child, no older than 5 eating lunch with his mommy. He completely finished a big mac, large fries, and a medium soda. Combined, he consumed 1250 calories at that meal. That is about how much a

The important point here is that they only want these restrictions for themselves. They do not care what anyone outside the hasidic world does with the internet. Unlike christians who actively try to impose their beliefs on everyone, as the try to get everyone to convert, Jews have no interest in that. In fact, if a

And what does it currently cost the russians for a similar payload?

What is this launch costing, compared what it currently costs the Russians to send supplies to the ISS?

I used to be like the guy who posted here, who paid $200 a month for fios triple play and $150 for wireless. But then I asked myself... why am I giving verizon FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR? I promptly cancelled both services (along with my gym membership, satellite radio, etc). I have platinum tell prepaid for $3.33 a

My grasp on economics is very weak. Why is oil a commodity. Why can't oil companies extract the oil at cost, say $30 a gallon and then sell it for whatever profit they seek. If their competitor sells it for 5 cents less, now we have competition.

How incredibly embarassing and humiliating would it be to Obama if binladen shows up alive and well in some video?


Correct - and in the "olden days" when jewish soldiers when off to war, it was standard practice to divorce first. In the event they did not return and their body/death could not be confirmed, the wife would be able to move on and remarry.

Agreed. Was not sure I was allowed to utter the fact that ledgers acting was okay, but way overhyped because he died. Okay, he died, he keeps licking his dry cracked lips in the film, wow I am blown away by his performance, we get it!

Great! now all i need is a recipe for DIY molasses, and I am good to go on my DIY brown sugar.

no, didn't you read? the left is is better than the left side!

Comeon, 500 trillion watts, really? If that is the power output of the entire east coast grid, how on earth can they channel that much electricity into one structure?

Buying on CL is nice. Selling has been a nightmare. I am moving and trying to sell some stuff. For every 1 legitimate email I get on an item, I got 20 which start out simply enough such as