Well it’s not like a wealthy white South African of privilege who grew up in the apartheid era is going to care much about that.
Well it’s not like a wealthy white South African of privilege who grew up in the apartheid era is going to care much about that.
Totally, use Telsa as a stop gap and find something else.
“When she pushed back, he not only fired her but also got rid of her entire team at the same time.”
A while back I was looking at video’s and reading about the Tesla Solar Roof and if it was any good or not. Seems like just getting the roof was a pain in the ass and would take months, reconfiguring things, price changes, same old shit with the cars and everything he touches.
And Musk views everyone as beneath him.
The true(er*) measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good - Samuel Johnson (I think)
“According to two former employees, Tesla’s energy division, which sells solar systems and battery storage were already struggling to handle their workload before they were forced to take on the Supercharger team’s workload.”
Might go back but I would be 100% ghosting and job hunting.
The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.
I totally agree with your sentiment, but you got to remember these guys are probably working in CA and have like $5k/month rent or insane mortgages plus other bills. It can easily take 3-6 months to find a new job, too. I remember that Chargepoint also had layoffs this year, so it’s not like there is a huge demand…
Knowing it was a tantrum makes the most sense. It’s the, “I’m so tough I can kick myself in the nuts!” philosophy. That and I assumed he figured he could hire many of them back at lower pay.
It was simply Musk getting mad at someone for pushing back on what he was asking for and punishing the entire team as part of his tantrum.
There’ no fucking way I would go back to a company that fired me on the whims of a child. This is the kind of business strategy you get from a guy whose reaction to opposition is ‘Go fuck yourself’, or as he put stupidly put it, ‘G. F. Y.’
Sports betting should have stayed illegal.
Wow, that’s the logic and reasoning of the kind of idiot that thinks you should chug bleach to save yourself from COVID.
Ask him why people never get spacial disorientation when they fly simulator aircraft. People use more than just their eyes to drive.
The kind of flair and the kind of hair Elon can only ever dream of achieving.
Thank goodness eyes and cameras aren't susceptible to optical illusions.
Yep. Absolute Bond Villain.
I very strongly disagree with Milei on a list of issues so long, I doubt we could stand to be in the same room as each other for long, but I have to admit, he does “dangerous far-right weirdo” with the kind of flair Elon can only ever dream of achieving.