The Nameless One

How about sites such as the blog network which you write for? Canada is a bit sick of the vacuum you have us in.

Your advice doesn’t pass the Turing test.

We need to rapidly come to the conclusion that abuse cases are common on both sides. My story is similar to this one, only I was younger and groomed through my childhood by my uncle’s boyfriend - 17 being when he started to pressure me into doing pornography. What purpose does it serve to segregate gender in these

and if ANY of you think that your time is best spent writing about your feelings towards Donald Trump. You are more pathetic than he is.

My big project, my ambitious break into internet discourse, is to call out JUST how soaked your hands are with blood. You do not treat the internet as a responsible tool and you have helped path the way for our nation’s anxiety and depression. All of the shame a man can possibly bare laid on you, your staff, and your

It’s almost as if you fucking journalist idiot fucks can’t figure it the fuck out. STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. Seriously, I’m sure that we all realize (obviously not because America is a giant retard) that this is all completely, entirely unreal. It’s a reality TV show. None of your votes even matter! That pussy video

Just imagine... an entire year without Donald Trump articles. Woooow. But it’s just so much fun writing about him. Like, yo, team, I have an AMAZING scheme. Let’s pick the easiest target for journalism ever, right? Now we can literally walk around our offices in our underwear and copy paste his name a bunch of times

Congratulations, Gawker team, on another fine day of reporting the obvious! It is safe to say that Donald Trump pays for your site, and everyone who writes here, at this point. Enjoy the blood money. Sad!

So, prior to my brain injuries I was sexually abused for ten years through my childhood. I basically spend my entire time in my room in an anxious mess. There are little to no services in British Columbia regarding the support and awareness for these kinds of issues. Our homeless population is 75% brain injured

Nonono, this so called “oppressed class” is not even close in comparison. When’s the last time you studied the homeless problem? Again, point me towards one article on this website which speaks of issues beyond gender? Prove it to me that this is actually about “equality”, because it sure seems like you are ignoring

I’m a disabled person. The whole disability thing makes gender issues not all that applicable for me (disabled people are discriminated against, have you ever sat down and really had a good think about the homeless population? I have because I have been homeless). No one is standing up for my rights, or having any

Edit. I’m tired. America is a monster.

Why in the love of God do you want to be “equal”? No wonder everyone is depressed, anxious, and confused, because y’all are trying to be something which you are not. You are one thing. You. You do not compare to a single other person. This is not a positive nor a negative statement

Breaking News: Donald Trump Does Something to Feed the Media Shitwagon! For the first time in I don’t know how long I was on Kotaku and there was not a single mention of Donald Trump. Just a clear, peaceful normal page. I mean, you can’t deny that the fucker brings in page clicks. Every single time a stupid thought

Points which contradict each other nonetheless.

What is your complaint regarding the Paper Mario series exactly? Thousand Year Door started the whole shift from making it less about gameplay and more about the critically praised dialog they pack into the games. I feel like you are trying to make three different points at the same time.

Ya, it’s the part of the equation I pay money for within these genres.

Reminds me of joking about context sensitivity in Conker’s Bad Fur Day