I didn’t notice that I was missing any story because I was busy playing a video game
I didn’t notice that I was missing any story because I was busy playing a video game
It’s called subjectivity. Please go to a fancy American private school and learn the concept.
Another senseless, sensational shit piece. All you do is help Trump with this nonsense. You wrote an entire fucking article based on a REDDIT POST. Like, seriously? That’s the amount of research which went into this and it has now exploded to this insane extent where a man’s job is on the line for... what exactly? Can…
Every time I read something like this it is, like, great. People still don’t fucking get it. Our “popular media” is still run by a bunch of stupid assholes who care more about the bottom line than actually doing something productive with their lives. YOU ARE NOT HELPING
I have three head injuries. One from high school sports, one from a car accident, one from a freak head on head whack. I am disabled as a result. It’s not that I isolated myself from society on purpose. Gaming, the internet, whichever, lets us who have limited access to society when we would otherwise have none. Quit…
I mean, do you ever think.... this is important.... or, this will get a lot of clicks. When is the line drawn when there stops being a solution and the message is all sensation?
I feel like we spend a lot of time looking at these cases without exploring the roots (upbringing and education are big ones). What exactly is it with gamer culture which inspires so much sexual tension? Why is gaming culture so fuck crazed? All of a sudden EVERYONE is a victim, myself included, because the spectrum…
There is a huge divide in Godzilla films. Shin Godzilla IS going back to the roots... goofy Godzilla isn’t Gojira. You take one moment with Godzilla doing a happy dance with his kid and you have seven movies which are rooted in the same existential terror Japan experienced after the Nuclear Crisis. “Sounds like it is…
“her loses concern me more... something about an agenda”. You couldn’t make it past the same sentence without contradicting yourself. How about fair, balanced journalism?
Can we tag your articles with “doesn’t do his job”, “shit post”, “creator of crap content”, “refusal to adhere to journalistic standards”? Or does that break the word count.
Here’s hoping that you didn’t fix your article because the systematic depression caused by Hulk Hogan has everyone’s journalistic standards on tilt and instead of running a decent website everyone’s just going to throw your arms in the air and say “fuck it!”, despite having paying jobs. So we have to sit here and…
Why are you not doing your job, Nathan Grayson? Too white and entitled?
*wakes up*, nope, Nathan Grayson still did not do his job
You all deserve better journalism. I can’t believe that Kotaku lacks the self awareness to understand what general “ethics” in “journalism” are all about... it means do your fucking research and post INFORMED posts by people who understand what they are talking about. You do not deserve this paycheque. Can you PLEASE…
Seriously. You actually make me want to kill myself. This is proof that the world isn’t fair, that parasites like you can, I dunno, get lucky when there are countless more qualified people who we, paying consumers, deserve. This entire blog network you have deserves to go under, you over privileged fucks.
Sure hope my post gets approved, or if you update your post with correct information which doesn’t read like a stoned 20 year old shitposting on youtube. How much do you make per year? How much more well off are you than me, despite being an idiot?
Did you do any research regarding the history of dreadlocks? History isn’t this BLACK AND FUCKING WHITE. Seriously, you are actually a huge part of the problem here. Go do some fucking research and dial back ALL of your white, entitled, under educated opinions
Yes, only privileged white people complain about this stuff. It goes both ways. It’s the same as Japan thinking “what exactly is the problem” in regards to Ghost in the Shell’s casting. Just privileged white people, male and female, who wish to impose their judgement on art and expression. I’ll wear my hair however I…
It is running without a hitch for me. The game looks dramatically better, like, night and day compared to the broken PC port. I clicked your link for mods and... what exactly am I looking at here? What mods do you use to make Vanilla PC Bioshock better than this (I honestly think that you are lying)? Are you…