C Montgomery Burns

“A feminist,” Carly intones, in a snippet from an old speech, “is a woman who lives the live she chooses.”

Something like this?

I like this bit:

It’s not terrible! But it does exclude men who consider themselves feminists. And it also excludes all of the women who believe in and work for gender equality who cannot live the lives they choose because they’re hamstrung by the patriarchy. Part of the reason that many women begin self-identifying as feminists is pre

Warren will chew her up and spits her down

“A feminist,” Carly intones, in a snippet from an old speech, “is a woman who lives the live she chooses.”

I’d love to see a conversation between her and Elizabeth Warren.

And if your “G-d given gift” is to help other women with their unwanted pregnancies?

My religion is strictly against minivans so every toyata dealer in my town will have to close.

Cannot. Stand. Clay Cane’s BET documentary on being LGBT in the black church featured a preacher who absolutely gutted that ideology, which he called a “disembodied” belief system: “I love you, but I’m going to kill your body because that’s not really you.” He brought all the lot of theological and philosophical

A list of lifestyles with which I do not “agree:”

I always want to meet these supposed gay friends. Who are these people who are good friends with people who think denying their existence and civil rights are just different opinions.

UGH ‘Hate the sin not the sinner’ was the go-to phrase of all the upstanding Christian homophobes I went to high school with. A lot of them seemed to sincerely believe that at some point in every gay person’s life they’ll wake up and realize how wrong they were and embrace their new life. As an upstanding Christian

Always glad to be of service in these trying times!

Yeah, I hate the use of lifestyle in this context- what does it even mean? It’s so trivializing.

For once I’d like to see someone respond to one of these people asking what EXACTLY is the “LGBT Lifestyle.” Did my invitation to all our orgy parties get lost in the mail or something? Fuck man, I missed out. Or does she simply object to the fact that I care about the person, instead of their specific genital

It is the thought that counts, my dear canine buccaneer.

Ah the old “gay lifestyle” bullshit coupled with the “I have gay friends”. She should have thrown in the they could change if they wanted so she could have the assbat hattrick.

In her neck of the woods, it is an elevated stance, sadly.

Hate the sin not the sinner. How lovely of her.