
Oh, he tried coming at me a few months ago and took a hard L then, too. 

By what metric would you like to compare H:ZD to BotW and MO? Metacritic scores? User scores? Overall sales? How about GotY awards? Pick your poison, brother; it’s your death. 

Says a random internet dweeb.  Good job.  You played yourself.

Are you talking about the two that are better than anything the PS4 has out at the moment? 

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over how much better BotW and Mario Odyssey are than anything on the PS4. 

You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.

As someone who hadn’t played the game yet, I had no idea that the subtitle could’ve even been considered a spoiler until you said what you said just now. So, thanks for that, I guess.

Go get some air.

Awesome! I totally bought it after seeing this deal, and I’m glad yours was the first comment I read upon returning to this post. I loved the Ezio Trilogy, but I got really bored with ACIII, and haven’t played more than an hour or two of any of the games since then. Excited to dive in once it is downloaded.

Awesome! I totally bought it after seeing this deal, and I’m glad yours was the first comment I read upon returning

Wow. I feel transported back to the mid 90s.

Everyone one of you that have been complaining about Capcom abandoning Mega Man better buy this game.

Mega Man X Collection AND Mega Man 11....colour me genuinely surprised that Capcom actually seems to be righting the ship they all but sank a few years ago.

Is it wrong to say that I like X over the core series, 100 times out of a 100?

On my fuckin’ SWITCH!! Are you KIDDDING ME! Where I can PLAY them ALL the TIME!?? On my NINTENDO SWITCH.

Yeah, I think this is a pop culture-consumer issue and not a generational one. It’s not the tumblr crowd going to see Paul Blart.

Stop blaming shit on my generation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some avocado toast to eat.

I don’t think anybody has been this dedicated to making MGS comics since hiimdaisy way back when. May AZ never stop with the MGS jokes.

How much do charge for psychic readings?

Then you must have hated playing as three psychopaths in GTA V