
The Lodge scrubber is showing up as $19.90.

The Lodge scrubber is showing up as $19.90.

I decided to jump in the worm hole that is a youtube search of Scott Elder commercials. Scottemon Go, Frozen, Breaking Bad Parodies. Looks like he just jumps on every trend he can and makes painfully bad commercials. I’d be very upset about all of this if I hadn’t watched them all at work.

For some reason, I always remember the story of Dave Stewart getting for soliciting a transvestite prostitute and picking up a lewd conduct charge. Sometime later, he came into a game and the ballpark music, or maybe the organist, played “Lucille” by Kenny Rogers over the stadium PA.

“Ah, a kindred spirit.” Said Donald Trump, before realizing he misread the last word in this headline.

Any time I play a shooter and shoot someone in the face, I say aloud to myself, “I’d like to take his... face... off.”  Like Nic Cage in Face/Off.  Luckily my gaming only occurs when my wife is out of town.

What’s the difference between an oyster shucker with epilepsy and a hooker with diarrhea?

Looks like he had his cum to Jesus moment

My own personal submission. I was sixteen and begged my mom to make a seven-layer dip for me, and she agreed. After eating that, I got drunk at a friend’s house and it was my first time drinking Gold Schlager. After over-doing it, I puked in the bathroom sink and it was a multi-colored goo with gold flakes in it. And

1. “Let’s go!” should have immediately been replaced with “You like that!” the moment Kirk Cousins said it.

When I saw he was inspired by Kevin Hart I thought Bobby Wagner was going to say a lot of unfunny things loudly and make a career out of it.

When I saw the live translation demo for these and learned it went through google translate, I realized this was not going to work as advertised. I take Croatian lessons with a teacher over Skype, and I’ll lean on Google translate to try to find an expression or phrase I want to use. More often than not, my teacher is

Just a friendly reminder of the top image results for a certain google search.