
Fingers crossed!  Aside from the first Star Wars film, the first Superman film is one of my most cherished theatrical experiences.  I was young enough to actually believe a man could fly, and boy, would I like to feel that kind of wonder and awe again.

Yeah considering the four films (and TV show) he has done are team based and involve 5-6 main characters a piece if anyone is going to do it right it is Gunn.

His strategy makes sense considering I find it a bit shocking now if a superhero movie doesn’t include at least two heroes in it. And Gunn’s work tends to skew towards a group of people/heroes working (reluctantly or otherwise) together.

I’m just not buying Carol Kane’s “Princess Bride” comedy grizzle as in any way meshing with the rest of this show’s vibe. Comic ploy characters are better as guest stars (Q) or villain-of-the-week (Mudd...) . I’m already tired of her and her impenetrable accent here.

I can’t tell you how much I don’t want a movie about J.T. Kirk’s daddy issues.

It’s delightful seeing Orbach and Lansbury show the strongest part of their repertoires off, especially since neither got to do much of that later in their careers.

Honest answer?

Jerry Orbach had some real acting skills. Folks have probably seen him on Law & Order and Dirty Dancing, but I saw him on Broadway as Billy Flynn in the original 1975 production of Chicago on Broadway and he was fantastic.

young Logan is far from perfect (the lightning does help a lot) but still, it’s so damn good. at first, I thought it was just another Jackman made younger with cgi

No, DAVID WARNER did the perfect Ra’s al Ghul!

Based on their own words they are abusive to girls. The kiss between Max and Lucas at the prom in the season two finale was not scripted. When rehearsing the scene, Ross Duffer joked about getting ready for the kiss and the 15 year old actress who played Max, Sadie Sink, had such a strong reaction against it that they

If it’s merely the latter, then well - that’s show business...

Personal take: Insurrection is a perfectly fine Star Trek movie (albeit one that feels like an extended episode), and Nemesis isn’t nearly as bad as may would have you believe.

“time travel shenanigans would give Ben Afleck an opportunity to step out of the cowl, but not much is confirmed”

Just as an FYI, I’ve known Billy for almost twenty years, directed him three times now, and have always been impressed with what a completely kind soul he is. Really, one of the good guys.

There are some movies that scare you because you’re a kid when you first see them and that impression sticks with you for life, and there are some movies that are genuinely terrifying no matter how old you are.

There was something grimy and unsettling about this movie - plus, the situation was hopeless. I watched it as a young kid, alone in my room, much too late at night on a 13" black and white television.


Shorter Chris Carter: “We probably should have all cashed out in ‘97, ‘98"