
He’s with Gandalf on a mission to destroy the last Horcrux in Narnia

In Search Of...something that hasn’t already been debunked a dozen times over.

I have to disagree in that I think TLJ treated most of its characters as pieces to place in service of plot devices.

These things never look right in normal lighting. Wait for the movie to pass judgement on how it will actually look. When I saw the first set photos of GotG and the Nova Corps in natural outdoor light, I was like “man, this looks so bad, people barely know these characters, this is going to be Marvel’s first real

The problem with all the non-Marvel attempts is that they’re working backwards. They’re saying “Hey! Let’s make a bazillion-dollar cinematic universe! Now... What stuff is lying around for us to use?”

Astro City is well worth it in my opinion. It’s not so much an experiment but a reconstruction—kind of a reboot of Marvel or DC but with one steady hand. Sort of like what Alan Moore did Superman as Supreme, but instead of what Moore did with trying to recreate the different tones of all the ages of comics, Kurt

I think that’s more true for superheros than all genre. Genre to me is a set of expectations in the audience, and that while that often turns to formulaic stories, there’s also room for creators to play with. Give a little and take a little. A crime thriller is always going to have a crime, but it can mature or dumb,

The amount of smug ego in the room where both MacFarlane and Tyson are present would quickly reach critical mass.