
How bereft of soul and imagination does a board room have to be to approve a pitch of Burton remaking “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman?”

As one of few Trek fans who was not in love with Season 3, I felt much of it played out like a back door pilot to another show and largely, that decision was detrimental to the plot, regardless of how nice it was to see the old gang back together on the bridge, etc.

Holy crap.

The way they did Chris Reeve and Adam West in The Flash was criminal. It would’ve been so easy with a little more cash and a few phone calls to do it respectfully and right. For shame. 

There is a stunning lack of self awareness at play here cause nerd raging about your grievances across two whole separate IP’s is in fact, an escalation of toxicity. Grow up, man.

The last few episodes felt like a movie and had big movie stakes and I honestly thought the production was fine as it was. I like the intimacy of TV for these characters. It looked great.

If Gunn is smart, he will offer Sasha Calle the same deal Mamoa is getting. Come back to the universe as a different character. This way, he’s done his reboot and he’s made up for the horrible way they did her as Supergirl.

I really can’t understand how fans still go back to their notions of canon to pose some question or argument about the validity of the plot of an Abrams Star Trek movie.

I’m probably the only fan who loved Picard Season 1 and disliked the rest of it. Besides Data’s return, I thought Season 3 was terrible. It felt like a back door pilot and it really wasn’t about Picard the character that much at all.

Respectfully disagree about the Mandalorian as far as quality, but that said, it was about protecting a baby Yoda. It was tied to the central theme of Star Wars, as I feel was Andor.

At one point, Paramount execs were echoing the same ridiculous things being said about Star Wars, that there are “infinite storytelling possibilities in this vast universe, blah, blah” and what we ended up with was essentially an incredible update to the classic formula with many established characters recast.

The guys 80. Why the hell would you risk the life of an A list star for a cameo? I’m sure the risk management team determined, correctly, it was not worth the risk to have him there in person. COVID could kill him. 

May I introduce you to Star Trek fans, my friend? 

The sooner companies stop bending the knee to the angry mobs and start trusting their gut( if they have one) about what a good movie is, the sooner the trolls will disband and try to find some other way to get their jollies. Deflect and dismiss just like the Republicans do when their folks do a great deal worse than

That’s one solid try at normalizing social bias and bigotry. Whew.

Thor” was also about heroism and was even a kind of positive example of the heroes journey kinda thing. 

Being gracious and decent to a colleague when it doesn’t benefit you at all is a practically extinct art form. Nolan was artful with what he said and it cost him nothing. Way to go. 

Seriously. Gal left her mark on a character that had never been big in the movies. So did Mamoa. I’ll give ‘em that.

Superman, a cub reporter in Metropolis, embarks on a journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent.”
