The Mountain That Posts

Not from a horror story at all, but as a kid - The Seven Deadly Sins from Full Metal Alchemist scared the FUCK out of me. (the FMA from 2003/2004, not FMA Brotherhood - Brotherhood is god awful)

Banjo Kazooie is one of the best platformers ever made, hands down.

I agree, but at the same time - I don't.

Man, I hated Wind Waker. It had the potential to be amazing, but it was just bad.

Buffy's influence on culture was pretty belated, though - I think.

I think 2006 was still too early for a lot of TV to treat murder as a serious thing.

One of the things that, as risky/cliche as it would have been, that I wish the show had actually tried it's hand with for non-Widmore actors was hiring younger actors for certain* roles.

I always wish Lost went the WILDDD way.

I don't think the temple stuff was the "worst" or "dumbest" thing Lost did, but the Temple stuff was most certainly the MOST boring.

What about when Locke hits Sayid, Boone, murders Naomi, etc? Are those out of character too?

Also, Locke violently knocks out and ties up Boone in a season one plot we'd all like to forget about.

Pretty sure Locke murdering Naomi definitely counts as violence. Just because a character only does something once or twice, doesn't mean it's "out of character." Are you going to say that Walter White's attempted rape of Skyler is out of character since he doesn't try that again? I wouldn't say so. People have crazy

I beg to differ with that(although, wanting to hurt Locke is a consequence) - many users have already explained in this comments section WHY Locke beat Charlie. It was very in line with who he is.

Interestingly enough, we never find out how the line of ash breaks. Always was one of those tiny mysteries that i'm happy we didn't get an answer to, since "a squirrel ran by" wouldn't have been satisfactory. haha

Question for everyone: Would Fire + Water be a better OR worse episode if Charlie actually had relapsed into drug use, and that his insane actions / visions / delirious state was all due to that? (yes, his 'I'M NOT USING' to everyone would therefore be lies)

Everything SN just said. Also, The Long Con would've had more impact on the long term if Henry Gale didn't turn up the very next episode.

Michael Emerson fucked over Lost in the complete opposite way Eko's actor did, by staying instead of leaving. hahaha

Maybe Richard just really fucking sucks at his job. :D

When Desmond is holding Locke at gunpoint, with Jack also pointing his gun at Locke/Desmond - Kate is who dissolved the situation by surprising/hitting Desmond. It led to the computer being shot, but in the short term - it kept the boys from killing each other when their tensions were so high.

Man, Walking Dead comic fans are so wrong all the time. haha