The Mountain That Posts

The Cuckoo Clock of Doom STILL freaks me out today, and i'm an an adult. I hope that wins. haha

I'd rather watch "Jorah the Explorer" than the absolute turd for a TV show that Game of Thrones has been since season 2.

D&D have been wiping their asses with the books since the first episode of season 2, in all honesty.

Read the books. Littlefinger is one of THE most disserviced characters in the show, and the actor sucks at maintaining a consistent accent. haha

Sidenote, I fucking love Boris. Excellent band, and i'm happy I got to see them do two shows in a row in Boston a few years ago - one of which they played Flood in entirety. Cheers!

I find it highly depressing that between the article and the 174 comments, that there isn't a SINGLE reference to Soundgarden - the band with the song which this episode is clearly named after. Uncultured swine.

I never realized reddit users were such big fans of 70's prog rock.

I love this show so fucking much. Even though everyone's talking about how this season/finale are among the weaker of Lost's run, this is easily my fav season and fav finale.

The whole Sayid/Sun/Jin nonsense is, IMO, easily the weakest part of this episode - by far.

No one mentioned the scene of Michael and Walt with Bea Clue, and the two subtle drops? "They make me take tests" and "Do you want to go back in The Room?"

Considering they were hauling rocks in PAIRS(as in, so big they needed two people to haul them) and the field filled with them was a full half-mile away? I don't blame them for giving up quickly.


Anna worked so well because Kristen Bell is literally perfect. Literally perfect.

Yay OUAT coverage. :D

Even though this show has always been(and likely always will be) mediocre at best, the show has genuinely been improving in small ways every season.

I don't know much about the pregnancy of animals, so I was just guestimating. But in that case, WHO THE FUCK KNOWS. haha

When I saw that Lincoln movie in the theaters, during the relatively-quiet sad part where the camera scans over tons of corpses… the guy sitting in the middle of the theater was snoring incredibly loudly. I looked around, and EVERYONE was staring right at him too. It was brilliant.

The odd reality is though, is AMC is far from the first show to do this.

The Voice of Raisins is Jean-Ralphio Saperstein.

Man, I never even CONSIDERED this. Damn. I suppose you could always get away with a "animals aren't pregnant anywhere nearly as long as humans are, it takes months and months of pregnancy to die" - which further explains why Claire was fine.