The Mountain That Posts

Ah, just checking. hahaha

As a whole, I really wish the newer Fallout games were both: a lot more terrifying, and a lot more difficult.

Ocarina of Time definitely has it's creepier moments.

Bucket head is already a thing. :P Albeit not in video games. hahaha

Best actor/character combination? Sawyer. Josh Holloway was a perfect actor for all six seasons(whereas some of the other actors of the show kind of stopped being as good actors later on) and Sawyer was ALWAYS well written and intriguing, even in episodes where he was a glorified extra.

Are you kidding? As far as I can tell, it's one of the most beloved episodes of season 2.

I don't think Eko would've been the villain, at all.

Different strokes for different folks, yo.

Even she lost interest in Kate. Watch some interviews with the actress in 2009-2011, whenever Lost is brought up - she basically rolls her eyes.

Oh i'm pumped. I'm gonna open up a can of whoopass(aka "it's not that bad you guys") all over that thread. haha

The real tragedy of Claire is that she had one of my favorite actors of the entire series, yet she was given such a mediocre role.

But the hilarious thing is, we still COULDN'T be sure if Ben was being a writer's mouthpiece - or just be a condescending douche, lying to Locke about the box not existing.

Maybe it's just me being curious, but I really kind of would have liked to have seen what would have happened if Henry Gale was legit.

In theory it worked, Claire ultimately didn't have much of a character arc and a lot of people love to make fun of how corny and cheesy Claire's season 6 role is. Even that HOW LOST SHOULD"VE ENDED video makes fun of Claire and her squirrel baby.

Honestly, I still highly highly doubt the man in black was even conceived until after season 4.

Emilie was having mental health problems(that's all was revealed, so don't ask me about specifics) while they were filming season 4 - so she asked if they could find a way to write her out in season 4 so she could take a year off.

In entirety, first two seasons - 20+ times.

Show never went that route though :P

That sounds intriguing. Any links? I'll bookmark them and read/listen when i'm done with that show :D