The Mountain That Posts

Considering there's only three instances in the entire series of characters claiming to be from Canada, I think it's just a coincidence that 2/3 happen to be lying. BUT the show definitely is relying on that coincidence and audience expectations when you watch that episode, to further assume Nathan is the guilty party.

Admittedly, i've never seen any of these shows. Were any ever good?

I'm surprised anyone actually remembers FlashForward, tbh. What's next? Going to bring up Awake? :P

Ilana is the worst. THE WORST.

Yeah, Lost definitely had a probably with giving their female characters even a fraction of the attention they give their male characters.

Yeah, seasons 4/5 are really enjoyable to WATCH - but in hindsight, are the direct cause of everything that ruined the show in the longrun for me. :/

Nathan appreciation comment. I always felt so sorry for him. :/

I was actually disappointed that he wasn't immortal like everyone predicted at the time, considering he was such a badass.

The show was never 100 percent successful with adding new groups of characters. Pretty much EVERY new character post-season 4 was terrible. From the terrible Ajira flight folks, to Widmore's crew, to the Temple folks, to Jacob/TMiB.

Pretty much all post-season one Hurley quotes are terrible.

I always assumed tha when Charlie's all like EXCUSE ME as Jack's standing up, and Jack sits back down for the turbulence was always Jack about to go to meet Ana Lucia. He has two drinks, one that he drinks to build his confidence/drown his pain - and the other is pocketed. :P

Man, fuck Bernard. What a utterly pointless character. Same with Cynthia or whatever her name is.

Man, fuck the Resident Evil movies. That being said, Michelle Rod is easily the best part about the first one. That and Lost are the only roles i've seen her in which I thought she did a killer job.

I'd like to beg to differ with Myles. I LOVE Collision's end with the staredown. Both characters have fallen so far(in different ways) since the crash.

For starters, you should put a spoiler alert for non-vague spoilers of other things.

Stef, that is what is called "irony." But yeah, i've noticed that before. Love it.

Exactly. Which is why I actually like that scene of Michael with the Lawyer and his ex-wife.

Season 4 was shortened because of the writer's strike and also because season 3(while KILLER by the end) had inconsistent viewings, and so the network felt it should be shorter because then people would be more likely to tune in each week.

Richard was definitely disappointing, agreed.

If seasons 4/5 were much longer like the first three seasons, it probably could have worked. But in the amount of episodes we actually got, probably not. Nice thinking though!