The Mountain That Posts

As someone who watched the show live and partook in loads of online discussions, everyone LOVED the way season 2 progressed week by week. The season 2 hate came years later.

These episodes are some of my absolute favorites for Kate.

I honestly doubt there's a single person in the world who WOULDN'T put Sawyer as the best character of season 5. haha

Just curious Stegrelo. Are you suggesting that the show would've benefited if it remained more character driven, or that it should've been huge mythology based from the start? Really not sure which of these you'd prefer as an alternative, and curious for the reasoning. :P

Sadly, his character wasn't as awesome in "Alias" as I hoped he would be. haha

The intro to this episode is easily the greatest thing this show has ever done. It resolved the crazy as fuck cliffhanger, it mislead the audience(I thought it was a Sawyer flashback when I saw the ep live!) but not in a cruel way. It answered all the questions viewers WOULD'VE had about what Desmond's day-to-day life

The show had some killer cinematography, sets, etc. though. I'll give it that much.

You're right. Because every single character being one dimensional, horribly mediocre writing(remember in episode one? *empty box of donuts* "EMPTY INSIDE, JUST LIKE ME"*), HORRIBLY directed flashbacks, a bad guy who's motivations make no sense, as well as more plotholes than you could shake a tree at are all signs of

I started watching Dexter because the internet claimed the first four seasons were good(they lied) - and my mom saw it on our Netflix recently watched, and she plowed through all eight seasons in like two weeks tops.

Dexter was honestly never a good show.

Good fucking riddance.

QotSA has been around since 1995 or 1996, so no.

Queens of the Stone Age are super huge now.


Jenny Lewis is the best.

They're playing at MDF 2015. Much hype. Very pumped.

Supposedly. I know that GRRM said back in the pre-Game of Thrones days that Sean Bean for Ned, Peter Dinklage for Tyrion and Josh Holloway for Jaime were the only three actors he DEFINITELY wanted.

So do you think the show should've focused way more on the others come season 3, as opposed to the Losties? Assuming they had the appropriate characters/actors to represent the others.

What kind of show is Chuck? It's quite long according to Netflix, and I want to know what i'd be getting into.

Because he foolishly turned down playing Jaime Lannister because he didn't want to leave America.