How does the internet consensus feel about taking Walt (basically) out of the story in this episode's way?
How does the internet consensus feel about taking Walt (basically) out of the story in this episode's way?
Just curious Scawler, how would you have handled the Others if you had a Dharma timemachine to go back and rewrite parts of the show?
Everything non-hatch / non-des about the s2 finale is disappointing IMO. The Sayid/Sun bits was clearly filler, and the whole dock scene should've been a single longass tense scene - not three short scenes. But eh.
The first scene of The Incident only proved to me that the show had no real plan, and that the bedrock of the island was more of a false-bottom.
Nobody in the world gave a shit about two silly corpses in a cave.
This was probably my favorite Jack-rage moment in the entire series, concurred.
Further elaborate your opinion?
"So what's it like having both the doctor and Captain Falafel fighting over you?"- Sawyer in episode 6
I was like "huh" while reading this, then I got to who she was in 24.
Season 2 has a lot of episodes that FEEL like gamechangers the first time you watch them, but ultimately were anything but.
The best(or worst, depending on who you ask) part of the flashbacks themselves is the "this is a ticket it leaves this afternoon" "CHANGE IT TO TOMORROW" part.
The odd thing is that Sayid is the most natural leader(in the early episodes, he's giving orders to other characters, he raises awareness to issues, he stands up for what he believes even if he knows it's wrong like with what to do with the bodies, he organizes the signal fires, etc.)
And had all them blow up? hahaha
Season 4 was the rare case where a TV show is INCREDIBLE and super intense and monumental the first time you watch it.
That was after Desmond got thrown in a well(wat) right?
Something the first two seasons did perfectly, that became much more dulled in season 3, then basically stopped existing in seasons 4-6 was Lost used to pull off reuniting characters PERFECTLY as well as was great at pulling characters apart in believable, realistic ways and… of course, great at mourning characters.
Yup. Also the season where he does everything in his power to fuck with Sawyer and refuse to listen to him, and shooting Ben even though that clearly wouldn't have worked out.
No, fuck that scene.
I mean, depends on what you're into.
It's something that would've only REALLY worked within the first ten or so episodes(like with Ethan).