Am I the only person who HATES Sayid's flashbacks in this episode?
Am I the only person who HATES Sayid's flashbacks in this episode?
Because that's sloppy, horrible writing.
I've said it in the past, the episode(Whatever The Case May Be) itself is fine - it's only the flashbacks which are horrible.
I'd actually argue that Sayid was ruined in season 5.
To me, it entirely depends on the length of show and type of show.
Juilet was a strange character for me. I don't know if it was the actress, or the writing, but I HATE her in season 3 - just all around a poorly done character.
Everything regarding the Ajira Flight makes me rage, tbh.
This is particularly true since Kate and Sawyer only actually knew each other… what, 70-90ish days? Whereas Juilet and Sawyer are together in Dharmaville for five years?
Do aneurysms get caused by being extremely angry? I always thought that was just an urban myth,
Coulda went for Rose. ;)
That end of series cliffhanger won't destroy my respect for the show, right? haha
On Netflix / worth watching despite the cancellation?
Was that show any good?
Switched At Birth would be an enjoyable show if the parent characters weren't so fucking terribly written and accompanied by such horrid actors.
If there's one thing i've learned from Heroes and the Resident Evil movies, is that Ali Larter is one of the worst actresses to ever become famous. If not THE worst actress to become famous.
Lost was bursting from the seams with actors who were way better than the characters they were playing. Jack, Kate, Boone, Juliet, Ben, etc.
Seasons 4 and 5 are very very very fun, and when I watched the show week to week, I probably would've argued that they were the best the show had to offer.
JJ Abrams left the show, pretty sure, and when he left - the remaining writers struggled to decide what direction to take the show - and so they dipped their toes in way too many directions, without definitively going in a specific way. It was a real hindrance to the progression of the plot.
I've definitely seen plenty of people who were far from reasonable. "You dislike the ending of Lost? CLEARLY YOU MISUNDERSTOOD THE ENDING" type folks.
I definitely have more of a distaste for Lost hardcore fans, that's for sure. But I was only using Breaking Bad as an example. Walking Dead hardcore fans don't call you unintellectual for not liking TWD, Gossip Girl fans aren't going to say you "never watched the show" about disliking GG's ending, etc.