Basically this from what I can remember from interviews and commentaries, yes.
Basically this from what I can remember from interviews and commentaries, yes.
I don't "hate" seasons 4 and 5. I have a love hate relationship with them. Lots of great scenes, twists, etc.
Breaking Bad zealots: "Breaking Bad is awesome, you just don't appreciate the awesome"
I agree.
As for Anthony Cooper being Sawyer, if it was left vague or it was implied that they're potentially the same person, cool.
I hate the idea of characters ACTUALLY confronting the things they were chasing pre-crash.
Random spoilerific post, but am I the only one who wishes Anthony Cooper was only a character in this episode basically? Well, this and the Helen episode where Cooper only appears in the one scene("I moved, now stop bothering me!")
Even worse than people who hate all of Lost because of the misunderstanding, is the countless "ALL LOST IS GREAT EVEN SEASON 6" zealots who say that fans who hate the last seasons just "don't understand it."
There's a Lostpedia article about the numbers. They're referenced in cutesy little ways like these THOUSANDS of times over the show.
Agreed 100%.
Now I forget, is it assumed that Locke steered them away because he didn't want the Losties to see him broken down?
I, too, would love it if someone completed an Alias Classic.
The first two seasons are, definitely. If only because of the INCREDIBLE influence Alias has had on the television universe.
I've done everything you wanted me to do, SO WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEE?!?!
At this point in the series, the Others have killed way more castaways than the other way around.
Skip the first two seasons, start with the first episode of season 3.
Skip to episode 1 of season 3.