
Nah. They support a party that says it will remove women’s bodily autonomy, create a theocratic state, marginalise minorities- and then does EXACTLY that. It also, conveniently, rakes in millions for its corporate donors in the meantime, but bigots don’t care about that nearly as much as oppressing the right (wrong)

Holy shit how did he not have any red flags go off in his head? Hm yes, it seems completely normal to not bring any proof of purchase to the event that you’re seeking to attend when you’re picking up the tickets. The whole thing reads like “Scam 101" with the scammer muffling his laughter while thinking to himself,

Shit don't need no browning

Right? I mean if someone who survived the 9/11 attacks claims the best way to prevent terrorism is to stop all Muslims from entering the country or whatever, that doesn’t make them not a crazy bigot. What this guy went throuhh was horrible, but he’s still a delusional moron.

I wouldn’t sweat it. There are memes and viral videos that are actually good so anyone can find enjoyment. Then there are those that are only popular because it fits a very very select age group. The more or less liking something just because someone their age did it sort of thing and no other good reason. Thus even

waiting with bated breath for the day they come out with a hoverboard with a built-in walker, so the infomercial can show people comically falling off hoverboards in spectacularly incompetent ways, in slow mo, in grayscale...

I never bought into the trend. I’ve seen Maximum Overdrive.

If you could always have 8% more body fat, but you could eat whatever you want for the rest of your life without getting fatter than that, would you take the deal?

He made it seem like he was too busy at SUR/the hair salon/the gym to keep up with it. Blech. I bet all of his glasses have a protein powder crust. And his socks...

I think the look he’s going for is “kid who lives with his parents in Diamond Bar, goes to community college, and spends all his money on tricking out his ‘03 Civic and street racing it in Irwindale at night.”