
poor browns

Still better than the Thousand Year Frank Reich.

I love Harry Potter so much but it doesn’t scale. It works in the confines of a school in a small country. Trying to apply it world wide is where you run into massive problems because not everything can fit into it’s sandbox (how would the magical community explain the Holocaust?). American history is particularly

Yeah, guys, you’re not supposed to rape your classmates. You’re supposed to wait until you start those finance jobs before you start ruthlessly exploiting the vulnerable.

Not that your opinions are wrong, but if you change weed to booze, that is basically every parent in the 1950s-1980s.

(You can talk to me all you want about the cognitive benefits of boredom, and I agree that they are myriad, but bored kids can often be super whiny and annoying.)

I will never understand how the defense of an inadequate punishment is so often “because it would ruin his career.”


I actually have no experience in this field, but as an observant human, my best guess is that commenting on something you read in the person’s profile is by far the best way to go.

Once again, we highlight the difference between liberty and freedumb.

There are guys like this walking around, and fucking Rudy is the guy they make a movie out of.

apple cider vinegar, horse radish root, hot peppers, mashed onion, garlic and ginger root

What I’ve noticed is that all it takes is really learning ONE THING very well, and then you are able to see how complicated and complex most things are, and it allows you to judge your own ignorance much more clearly.

There are several studies that show that the less you know about something, the more you underestimate your own ignorance. What I've noticed is that all it takes is really learning ONE THING very well, and then you are able to see how complicated and complex most things are, and it allows you to judge your own

Why, Luke Wilson, why.

That’s because for these people, it is all about THEM and their insistence on a particular worldview. It’s classic cognitive dissonance. The whole damn thing- the focus on the birth experience, the belief in the power of natural foods, the mistrust of vaccinations- all of it. I think it has something to do with the

old, computer-illiterate people who post sassy garfield and betty boop “memes” (not sure what else you’d call them?) about how much they hate mondays single-handedly ruined Facebook.

Roger Goodell promptly responded to this crisis by decreeing that all turfed fields should have the ability to lift up to sweep an incapacitated player under.

Really? So you’d be okay with a big ass TV in your work-space reminding you not to steal? The implication being that the only thing keeping you from stealing is not company loyalty or professionalism, but the fact you’ll be fired or sent to jail? Because management knows you are just a criminal waiting for your