It’s not even nostalgia, its borderline Alzheimer’s
It’s not even nostalgia, its borderline Alzheimer’s
If Kentucky and UCF were the only 2 undefeated teams in the nation, yes, I think I would want to watch that. The structure and process of the playoffs is more important than the participants. It’s easy to have this position as an Ohio State fan.
My username says it all
No, it wasn’t. That you inferred it that way is sad commentary on you and your perspective. Would you have preferred I used Deadspin or Kotaku despite this being in Jezebel?
Cops don’t even know what laws they uphold. The average Jez commentor has a firmer grasp on the fine details of law than the average LAPD officer.
Merely being aware of its existence is pretty awful. That fact that this imbecilic garbage actively crowds out other potentially worthy entertainment makes it worthy of scorn from viewer and non viewer alike.
The only one near me closed. For good reason it seems.
The chorus is full of mouth breathing shitheads.
No lie, I really wish there were more off the wall gimmicks like this in all media.
I want to high five you for parodying the dumbest mannerism in all of commentary (not a great look) while also punching you for giving it legs.
Why was this never a concert series?
Which says more about the competition than Olive Garden
I’ve seen Sorrento up in Seattle, maybe that’s because I shop at QFC - a Kroger brand and they’re Ohioan
I wouldnt even say these have ruined my childhood, rather, they simply make my childhood seem even more childish and full of bad tastes and opinions not worth remembering.
I’m just tired of people fawning over microwaved leftovers from their childhood as if it’s inherently rewarding to remember vegging out at as a 10 year old watching reruns syndicated in the early 90s, and that memory in and of itself justifies all future garbage like this. Fuck your childhoods, they make for bad…
It’s awful for a show with already low expectations. Consider that.
Nostalgia is the antithesis of rewarding art.
Could be regional branding.
I just realized I’ve been confusing Kesha for Iggy for at least 3 years.
He plays basketball exactly how you imagine a shitsipper with less personality than Ted Cruz would.