
I'm interested to know specific episodes, I think. He wrote some really fantastic episodes, in my opinion so I'm wondering what you think of these:

Idealistshaven. You have to be approved; tell them I sent you. My handle over there is theMorrigan.

I'll give you that it could have been more explicit that Shiraz didn't detonate the bomb. For me, he wasn't in tiny pieces and that told me he didn't right off the bat. Because I have personally seen the aftermath of a suicide bomb, and my Dad before his death was a cops/court beat reporter who experienced the

I love The Sixth Extinction arc. Love, love, love. I'm happy to chatter on about it with you anytime, anywhere.

Fox should just let them do whatever they want, but that isn't how studio execs work, sadly. These are realities I can't ignore, given what I'm in school to do.

I'm sometimes all about my own headcanon for this show. For example, the Lone Gunmen aren't dead. They're out there, secretly aiding Mulder and have been ever since he got the idea to break into Mt. Weather. And they're also how Mulder and Scully managed to go on the run so successfully.

I can't say I'm happy that the Lone Gunmen are still considered canon dead but, as it was Fox (the studio) who insisted they die back in the original series run, I can't say I'm surprised 1013 couldn't get them back alive if they wanted. I wrote a longer comment below in regards to the racism thing… Maybe I'm being

I loved the end scene for the lovely gazing (and yes, Mulder, you are gazing at Agent Scully - and she's reciprocating!) and handholding. I'm probably all by myself in this, but even the God stuff at the end was more about Mulder and Scully exploring, together, the meaning of God and the way God is used by man.

I said heartbroken. Because I love those guys.

I did, and it was the first thing I thought of the second Mulder pitched his plan to Einstein. I saw the Lone Gunmen, but it was so very brief and not enough of my favorite paranoid trio.

Done. Mine is miaaingeal. Which, incidentally is also my Gmail. :)

I'm reserving judgment on whether or not it was tossed aside until we're done with the six episodes. But, as of this moment… yeah. So far, we're not getting much on the 2012 date. As for the government being over it, Mulder was forgiven in IWTB, as @defrostedrobot:disqus mentioned.

Link, please? My Youtube-fu is failing me.

I prefer to think that it is haunting Mulder, and if 1013 won't give me that in episodes (and I really, really want them to) I'll have to write fan fics about it. After Winter semester ends. Thursday can't come fast enough.

I thought the kiss in The Truth was pretty passionate.

The episode you are remembering is Per Manum, with a little bit of Memento Mori tossed in. The latter episode, Mulder recovered the ova. The former, Scully asked (in flashbacks) for Mulder to be her donor for in vitro. (And he said yes.) That, however, didn't take.

Re: IWTB, William was mentioned as the underlying drive for Scully's attachment to Christian. I'm starting to think William may be an element to their split. And, like I've argued for Mulder, Scully is broken when she's not with her partner. Losing her wonderful, wonderful Mama Scully makes perfect sense as a trigger.

Do you mean Beyond the Sea? With Luther Lee Bogs taunting Scully with a message from her just deceased father?

To be fair, that wasn't so much a case of wishing him back to life so much as it was Skinner inadvertently discovering how to prevent him from becoming an alien-human hybrid. Without Skinner pulling Mulder off life support, Billy Miles' fate would have been Mulder's. Whereas with Scully, it was certain she was dying

That's fair. My quibble with your quibble was really more about the emotional weight part.