
Lorelai slept with Christopher when he was separated from Sherry. Lorelai actually asked Christopher before she slept with him how he could be present as much as he was. He told her that, before Sherry left for a business trip, they'd talked and couldn't come up with a fix for their relationship.

That's what I was thinking too. Either CSM baited him with the location of his son or with the promise of a cure/fix for the epidemic. I'd have been fine with CSM just wanting to get Mulder protected, but only if Mulder'd told Scully what he was doing. I usually forgive Mulder for not telling Scully things when he

Upvoting because of your passion for the series. Even when we disagree, I still really appreciate your love for this show.

Digressing, maybe, but you're pretty awesome. :)

Or Gilligan. Given how well Gilligan's done with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I bet he could whip up a bible to follow for Season 11 and/or further. Or, hell, Duchovny contributed a ton of story ideas for mythology episodes. I'm still not at the point where I'd say Carter should never write anything again, ever,

No, it's ok. You have points, and good ones. And I was a little too knee-jerk in my response.

Totally agreed. I did, however, read an interview with Duchovny wherein he mentioned that he was furious on her behalf, was transparent about his offer, and said something about it to Fox (the studio). Here's hoping they learned something.

You are totally right. I completely forgot about that scene, which is kind of surprising to me. If those scenes had been switched, out would have made much more sense. Though, the CSM is totally a liar so maybe he knew that by getting Krycek and Marita involved Mulder would be abducted and theoretically safe?

But Locke would be okay, or Watson, or…

Mulder and Scully didn't really bother answering. :) They got way too wrapped up in arguing cutely about whether or not there was even a spaceship. (Which, I'm given to understand, was an ad-lib by Duchovny and Anderson.)

I'm glad you brought that up. Now, looking at how it was used last night… isn't that just an extension of what you said? How terrifying is it to think that something we all (mostly) know is good for us (vaccines) was used for nefarious purposes? The X-Files is a horror series as well as a thriller, so I'm not seeing

Same. One line of dialogue - though, to be slightly fair, Scully did say Agent Reyes before she called her Monica - to mention that Reyes worked on the X-Files for two years. That shouldn't have been that hard to work in.

Equally compensated right off the bat. I'm pretty sure that she fought for equal compensation and, according to Duchovny, she got it partially because he was transparent with her on his offer and said something to make sure she was paid equally.

Me neither. I can make stuff up in my head canon, but I'd have preferred a better explanation. Saying she was trying to save her life doesn't cut it for me. Adding that she planned to get information from CSM and give that to Mulder and Scully, but she had no idea how to find them would have at least been a little

Yes, I admit that. And the other things I said up there. I do see flaws in the episodes, and maybe I haven't been clear enough about that. (Except Were-Monster, not really any glaringly there in my opinion and it and Home Again are my favorites of these six.) My issue has always been the blanket statement that Carter

The first episode was always the first episode. Doesn't have anything to do with the particular conversation, though. In the first episode, they say they have a meeting with Skinner at the end, but that happens off screen after the credits rolled. So the responsibility for the X-Files reopened explanation is on the

Mulder always had a bedroom… it was just stuffed with files on the paranormal. :)

Starting from the end, because, gasp, we agree. I didn't like the second film at all. I sorta kinda liked the end where Mulder and Scully came to an accord. Oh, and I liked the the way it was shot, mostly. I liked seeing Mulder and Scully back - though I spent a great deal of the film wondering where Scully really was

Yes, you're right. Edited, but kept it known that you corrected the mistake. I think I'm just very used to Carter writing both the end and the beginning of a season.

I'd have liked to see something about recertification. Ostensibly, that would have gone into the second episode. The order was changed around, for whatever reason, but Carter didn't write the second episode. Home Again was supposed to be the second episode, while Founder's Mutation was supposed to be the fifth. Did