
Likewise. :) I love, love, love talking about this show. And I'm always happy to find X-Philes that genuinely love the show too. I sometimes wish there was a PM function or some way for us all to keep in touch.

Picking nits, here. There was plenty of both, even before Season 9. Scully's relationship with Mama Scully has roots back to season 2. We've seen how close they are through season 9 as she was in at least one episode a season through Season 5.

Now that I've spit out the heartbreak this episode gave me, I want to talk a little about the episode.

And Bill, Jr. showed up a few times, most notably in Redux II and Christmas Carol/Emily.

You're not forgetting. He was seen in a Scully flashback in One Breath, specifically when Mama Scully was approving a headstone for Scully. Other than that, this is the first time we've heard that there's an estrangement.

Thank you! I was looking at him and knowing that he was in a band and I could not, for the life of me, remember his name. Cheers, @quoteunquotesir:disqus.

And David Duchovny. The look on his face when Mama Scully talked to him, and his expressions and body language with Scully's pain were breathtaking.

I don't care about the big questions right now, Mulder. I just want a chance to ask my mother a few of the little ones.

Given that we have the same approach to The X-Files, I'll say that you'll enjoy it. I do. I had some frustration with Season 5 but I got what they were trying to do and got through it. I also didn't mind the first five episodes as much as the majority of folks I've talked to. To me, it was five episodes of really,

Hi! Thank you for the kind words. As you've likely seen above, I'm in the final stretch of Winter semester and it's kinda killing me.

Nope, not prying. It's cool. I am in college, with a caveat. After having to drop out the first go 'round (for reasons that I'm not gonna post on a public board, suffice to say it was not due to academic performance), I spent many years working in Seattle for various Xbox gigs with the majority being on the Halo

So. I owe you answers. Winter semester is a bitch.

Ugh! Stupid autocorrect. You are correct.

52 episodes of The X Files. 53, if you count The Truth as 2 episodes.

And El Mundo Giro and Agua Mala.

Me too! On both counts.

I adore you. And I've been up thread defending the mythology again, with a little help from @TheWaltmobile. Stupid school getting in the way of me finding your comments.

Here's my answer: It's a great episode. Part of what makes it awesome, however, is the callbacks to the first run of the series. So watch it with that in mind. Then get on Netflix or Hulu or Amazon and watch the whole thing. It is, in my opinion, worth it.

Thank you. :) I appreciate opposing views that are articulated with respect as well. And it's always fun to consider how other people/fans perceive television (or films or novels, you get the picture) and figure out if I still believe my perspective or if it's time to change. The other reason I like these sorts of

Yes! I can't believe I forgot Pfaster. Irresistible is a great episode. I agree with you about the photo; total reference to Flukeman.