
Yep. And changed his mind back after Patient X/The Red and the Black episodes later in the season. The idea, it seemed, was that Mulder's belief system was challenged after he'd been told that Scully was abducted, given cancer, and nearly died because of his quest for truth.

This. So this. I'm a little bit with @The Waltmobile in that I'm afraid that O'Malley's claims may wind up being the new vein of the mythology. That being said, I'm pretty sure that it's a misdirection. Or, at least, I'm really hoping it's a misdirection. We did see the aliens in the flashbacks, so there's definitely

Ok, so here's the thing. There's a lot of backlash against the mythology episodes. And, maybe there's a point to the backlash. However. Having watched all the mythology episodes in a row recently, I feel like it makes a hell of a lot more sense than people tend to give it credit. There's threads there, that are tied

Yep. Mulder accomplished figuring out who and where the killers are. In addition, Mulder's willingness to believe in the buggering priest uncovered several other victims. And, the entire reason why the final victim was alive enough for Scully to use her medical expertise was because Mulder put his personal safety on

Amen on diehards sticking together. Also, Jordo is one of my favorite folks to talk X-Files with, despite the fact I only found The A.V. Club in the 9th season Classics reviews.

Me, too, please?

Agreed! I did something similar, in and amongst sharing the series with heretic friends who'd never seen it* and I have the same opinion. Now, granted, I butchered the alphabet in the Season 9 Classics reviews on here with my personal fixes for Season 9 mythology episodes, but knowing that the first 8 seasons were

This is a completely useless comment to say: Hi!

I <3 you, Jordo. Because that, right there, is a perfect response. Also, totally have been missing talking X-Files with you and the Classics gang.

Can't I have an amalgamation of Scully, Stella, and Bedelia? Please?

Video recap, I'm not sure. But is a pretty good refresher site. And database of a lot of things X Files.

Welcome to the X-Philes! Love seeing new fans. One warning about reading the comments: Spoilers abound. Even Todd and Zach occasionally include spoilers in their reviews. Sadly, I didn't really find out about The A.V. Club until they'd started season 9, and The X-Files is my favorite show.

The answer to your question is: Absolutely nothing. I'm in your camp. I love the relationship between the leads because it says wonderful things about the series. I'm not a shipper either, but that doesn't mean I don't celebrate the relationship. I do. Wholeheartedly.

Extraordinarily great comment from someone watching for the first time. Honestly, I also disagree with Zack on this one. About Mulder, anyway. He's obsessive and self-absorbed - to a point. By this time in the series, we've seen him be tender and attentive to Scully and, more importantly, put her first *multiple*

One of the things I noticed - and loved - was that Alana made a big deal about Hannibal wanting to hear Will say please. And, yet, that please was said as an afterthought because Will knew what Hannibal really wanted to hear. And he gave it to him.

I'm at a hotel in Los Angeles, so I went out and got lamb vindaloo with garlic and pesto naan. Chai and a mango lassi, as I'm not much of a drinker.

Yes. This. Look, I've been on these boards this season wishing that the two crazy kids could just forgive each other and be murder husbands - and I am fully cognizant of the toxic, abusive nature of Hannibal's courting of Will. I don't approve of toxic, abusive relationships in real life. But Fuller did a masterful

It was over a decade ago. I'm good. Thank you. :)

I thought of that parallel and contrast as well. But I'm on the West Coast so most of the awesome insights are generally made by the time I get here. That being said, I always love reading your posts. And, it is not just you - Jack smirked with his lips and his eyes!

I'm the same way in regards to the emotional distance … but here, I definitely tasted a touch of bile while biting down on my lip. Which created a vicious circle for about a minute.