
According to Naya Rivera's rep, she has not been fired. The new rumor on the street is that Naya's "on set feud" was with the producers, not Lea Michele. Honestly, I don't really believe either set of rumors given the inane nonsense that flies around that show (and other shows in the present and in the past).

If they were real people, I would totally agree with you. But what we're really looking at here is writers manufacturing the EPIC DRAMAZ as opposed to writing fully developed characters who are learning to be in an adult relationship after high school. There's plenty of conflict and growth to be mined out of handling

I'm with you. I think that Darren Criss did a great job through the whole episode. Criss has improved dramatically since season 2 and has been consistently good to great since halfway through season 3. I really try to see the perspective of those critical towards his abilities but I'm not connecting with that view.

The Blu-Ray extras are pretty neat. Between the standard stuff like commentaries, the gag reel and deleted scenes, there's a fun featurette on the Visual Effects and the Trust No One documentary that is over an hour. The gag reel is hysterical (you've got your awesome moments where Anderson laughs, trips or drops

If I have to rank First Person Shooter and Fight Club for worst episodes of Season 7, I'd say First Person Shooter is mildly better than Fight Club. I hated Fight Club with an explosive nerdrage. I rolled my eyes at the end of First Person Shooter. I actively hurled a string of expletives at my TV at the end of Fight

I read the whole thing! But then, I tend to murder the alphabet with my comments, so it's only fitting that I read everyone else's full thoughts. :)

I, too, am confused by the criticism of Carter's directing. I mentioned in my "good stuff" comment somewhere in all the wonderful discussion here that his direction is one of the highlights for me. I loved Carter's direction in Post Modern Prometheus and Triangle, and I loved it in this movie. I don't mind that it's a

Wow, Todd. Pusher only made it into the Honorable Mentions? On the upside, your writing has improved a lot from then to now but you weren't awful then either. Just very enthusiastic. What I noticed primarily in this old list of yours was how much you loved the show. That love comes through today.

I agree with you about the intent. Chris Carter has always seemed to be a genuine guy with equal creativity and heart. In no way do I think he meant to be either homophobic or transphobic. I just don't think the script gave his antagonists enough attention to avoid the appearance, if that makes sense. It's all well

Since the interview I'm remembering was really recent, I'd assume it's because she has so many TV series going at once. Adding another wouldn't really be all that practical if she ever wants to see her kids!

In the words of Agent Mulder - It's official; I am a horse's ass.

Have you seen either Bleak House or Great Expectations? Both BBC productions with Anderson and both fantastic. I watched them on Amazon Prime Instant Video.

Mulder drops or loses his gun:
Season 1 - 4 (Fire, Genderbender, Tooms, Erlenmeyer Flask)
Season 2 - 8 (3 - twice, One Breath, Red Museum, Aubrey, Fresh Bones, Die Hand Die Verletzt, End Game)
Season 3 - 4 (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Nisei, 731, Grotesque)
Season 4 - 3 (Home, Teliko, Kaddish)
Season 5 - 2 (Unusual

I love Oubliette. I really think it's one of the underrated episodes of its season. I have a couple of nitpicks - Scully giving up on CPR after two seconds primarily - but it's overall powerful stuff. Like Never Again and Mulder, I don't actually have a problem with Scully's narrow-minded focus. Ultimately, the two

Lord, that's more words than I want to slaughter in a comment.

I will say right up front that I haven't watched that set of episodes in awhile, so it's possible that I'm remembering things incorrectly.

There's a good chunk of episodes in the beginning of season 6, starting with Triangle, that are self-referential and fun. Back in the day, that type of episode got called X-Files Lite and there are 4 in a row.

Mulder gets shot 5 times, plus one imagined in How the Ghosts Stole Christmas and an additional time for "Monday" because it happens twice in the episode. So, a total of 7.

My favorite part about both of Duchovny's writer/director episodes is that it shows exactly how much Duchovny loved the show and the characters of Mulder and Scully. He is invested in these two characters and sees them in a wonderful, dynamic and loving way. Scully gets to loosen up in both of his episodes and have

I got to these reviews really late - in Season 9 - but I've read Zack's "Never Again" review and I wish I'd been around for that one.