
Bugger. I knew I forgot about something and it was Colony/Endgame. I adore that two-part mytharc set so good call there! I really like the Gethsemane/Redux three-part set too. Redux is a bit slower than one might like for a season opener, but taken as part of the three episode arc and it's great.

Yes! I'm going to watch Crisis through its end because Gillian Anderson. I actually recognized McGraw on the previous episode as the First Lady and thought it would be awesome if the two characters got at least one scene together. So I was very happy with their scene. I definitely had some nostalgia for the sisters

The film idea might also be Duchovny and Anderson. I vaguely recall that Anderson said once that she'd be willing to do a film but not another go at a TV run, even if it's a shorter number of episodes.

Yes. I had an entire story idea prior to 2012 and I have one now that the deadline for colonization has passed. I'm even revising as I read the comics. I don't think we need a whitewash of The Truth to make it work, but I really wish that they would get moving on the script and production.

Thank you! I like words, as you can probably tell by how many of them I use in these comments. :)

I agree. I'm wondering if the feeling @Happy Go Lucky has is because Mulder and Scully spend most of the movie on separate journeys. That could make it feel like they aren't driving the plot together.

I liked Talitha Cumi a lot, but Herrenvolk dropped several balls that made it too frustrating to put at the top for me.

*grins* Phrasing was totally deliberate, for both movies.

My favorite part about Closure is the scene where Mulder sees Samantha. The script called for Mulder to break down sobbing, but Duchovny suggested the scene we got and it was perfect. The hesitation, the slow-burning wonder and the bittersweet joy that Samantha was able to get her wish to see her brother's face one

No idea, actually. I'm inclined to believe that Carter went with Russian because it's what he knows.

I said it too! You're not alone :)

Yeah, I got my dad involved with the X Files before I went to college. He didn't know anything about the online fandom or anything like that, but he sure was fussy about no Mulder in season 9. I'd get calls on Sunday night about how much he wanted to see Doggett and Mulder interact and how much he missed the

Best Recurring Character (non-evil division): Skinner. For everything Todd said + Mitch Pileggi is a wonderful actor and a beautiful man. I loved that Skinner was always trying to protect Mulder and Scully, even when he had to work against them. I loved that, for a man who was afraid to look beyond an out of body

Best Director: Kim Manners
- Honorable Mentions: Rob Bowman, David Nutter, David Duchovny and Chris Carter

Bigtits, you make me a whole person. :)

The disappointing stuff:
The villains were awful. Cardboard cut-outs with little to no development, on top of being offensive and it's truly sad. Considering that Carter and Spotnitz gave us CSM and Krycek and the Well Manicured Man, it's beyond frustrating that the motivations and actions of Franz and Jank were so

I've listened to the commentary. It's Carter and Spotnitz. It's alright. Nothing massively groundbreaking or informative, really, but there's some solid discussion of the choice to shoot in Vancouver and some highly deserved praise for the crew. That's all I remember about it, though. I'm tempted to do a re-watch with

Yes. There's a prophecy that was dropped in The Truth (but would have made the rigged trial much more powerful) wherein William would lead the colonization effort if his father, Mulder, were dead. If Mulder was alive for colonization, William would work with his father to prevent it.

The good stuff first:
My two favorite Carter directed episodes are Post-Modern Prometheus and Triangle. I Want to Believe is another fine example of Carter's directing style. He makes the best use of his locations, has a solid touch with his actors (and Duchovny and Anderson probably make that part easy for him) and he

Before I dive into the discussion of this movie, I just want to thank Todd and Zack for these thoughtful, wonderful and amazing reviews. I may not agree with every opinion, but that's part of the fun. I'm going to miss Saturday afternoons talking about my favorite show with intelligent, passionate people. Thank you!