
 - The DNC, describing their 2020 presidential ticket

You might think that’s funny, but how many wormless horses have you seen with COVID?

Maybe it’ll hit a spider or two and the medical industry will have all new problems. And so will that guy’s uncle, I guess.

Of course, this was true even before the invasion, as the Taliban had been armed by the US to fight the Soviets.

Reporter: Thanos, your children failed to acquire the Mind Stone, any comment?

I liked Starfox even if he did have a stupid creepy power. In my head Dazed and Confused era Matthew McConaughey would be an ideal casting.

Dammit! I just gave up and surrendered!

Exactly. The whole “controversy” benefits both parties—prolonging Knox’s 15 minutes just as she’s about to fade from public consciousness and increasing interest in her career as a Facebook show host/public speaker/podcaster/professional activist/whatever for anyone who has ever been wrongfully accused even as it

Even Jesu dined with sinners. Who are we to judge this humble servant of the law?

What’s the difference between a bag of cocaine and Clapton’s 4-year-old son? He never let a bag of coke fall off a high-rise balcony.

Sadly, never the twain shall meet.

She was almost certainly leaving whether that video leaked or not, she asked for a huge contract while everyone else was taking paycuts and ESPN said absolutely not.  I’m sure ESPN is really glad that Rachel Nichols is here to draw the blog worlds fire away from their hiring and employment practices though.

I can hear him now...

Your uppance will come, A.A. Dowd.

The 3/5th Clause was invented to dilute the South’s power in the federal government, not to strengthen their ability to block anti-slavery legislation. The South wanted slaves to count as full people for apportionment purposes, which would have given them more House seats and Electoral College votes.  

Pond.  A pond is shallow enough that sunlight can reach the bottom everywhere.  A lake must have water deep enough that sunlight cannot penetrate.

Counterpoint: If someone goes above moving hives of bees based only on what they saw on a few social media videos, we should not be particularly concerned for their welfare.

This person needs a lot of attention.

The shocking thing would be if his place was full of Robert Kinkades.

“...but a lot of the time, the viewer will just find themselves staring at a screen that’s mostly rocks.”