
It was time for Sheldon to go to California and they had to kill the father.

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

Ah, but who will bell the cats?

What, don’t you know that RFID tags are the mark of the devil? It’s how they activate the 5G microchips in COVID.

Film nerds,

She’s a woman, therefore paid $0.80 on the dollar, so it evens out...

Forget it, Jake, it’s Barsanti town. 

Because they switched the show off and back on again?

This cries Florida Woman but I don’t see any mention of where this took place. 

It’s not a mystery. It’s a sequel to a movie that is nobody’s favortie, featuring three characters that are nobody’s favorites, with the implict need to have watched two TV series which even the biggest Marvel fans are getting burned out on. The first Captain Marvel movie was a much easier sell since it was an origin

Maybe Terrence Howard is available. the hell did Frederick fucking “please stuff me in a locker” Crane become a buff, beer-swilling fireman?

I did not have “Zach Morris becomes Hannibal Lecter” on my Bingo card. 

This. Avis never knew it was stolen. The people at the local branch then did a bad job of making their customer happy. Yeah, ideally corporate has a culture, especially, in place to limit this kind of stuff but you just can’t chase down every single last employee. This is a man-bites-dog story - it’s reported because

Sounds like the previous renter who reported it stolen only to find a block over where they parked it (and not call police back to expunge the stolen vehicle report) is the the one who really screwed up here. 

I’m not arguing here against the state being hostile to women’s healthcare and personhood one bit. I agree with you. I am just stating, and I think we’re going to be seeing more of this due to these insane violations of the rights of pregnant people, that consequentially folks are going to take steps and actions, like

Because you are getting in on the ground floor. This is how to decentralize and disrupt the establishment. The line can only go up. Its on the crypto blockchain which is the future of everything.  No more banks, no more taxes, no more government, no more gelato.  This is happening.  Don’t be a beta.

Great time to buy low everybody!!!

Whoops.  Tuck your tail.  I need a copy editor.

Now I have tennis elbow.