The Scorpion King

I recently pulled my contribution from 16% to 5% (my company chips in 3% on a 5% contribution) which should net me an extra $1k/mo for cash savings. I plan to use that to build for a downpayment on a house. Not sure if that’s a good idea or not, or if I should have waited to do that until the market rebounded, but

It might be tough to find a V8 this well taken care of though. These are worth $2k in mint condition (outside of buy here pay here ripoff lots). That interior looks cherry and hopefully represents the care it received mechanically. The V6 aint a complete dog. Nice low end torque.

Really missed the chance to charge $1,997 for it.... just saying.

FWIW, my company just canceled our annual WW training event in June due to concerns, and all my travel to Germany next month was also canceled. This is a multi-billion dollar business proactively deciding the impacts to revenue were not outweighed by the health risks. Vacationers should take even more precautions,

Oh yeah. Once my Exploder rolls 200k (at 199,100 now) I’ll be looking to sell and spend money on my 160k mile 1992 Pathfinder. That’s Japanese so it should be fine, right? RIGHT? fuck.

Let’s compare this to the amount of money I spent on my 1992 Explorer between 180,000 and 200,000 miles

If only you could channel all this hatred and anger into something useful, like knitting. I bet you could make a badass sweater. Until then, make sure to stay hydrated to offset all that salt. CALIFORNIA RULES!

Want me to share some pictures of homeless camps here in Colorado too? Texas? Washington? Arizona? Florida? New York? Illinois?

Today I learned that 120% of all the homeless people in the USA are in California, AKA the USSR. That’s right; red states have negative homelessness. Fuck you, hippies!

Also, your own article disproves your point.


Or just let people have cardiovascular scares before they make healthy choices, the GOOD OLD FASHIONED MURICAN WAY. Think about the healthcare providers!

Not to mention, I bet zero percent of people would like to know where their dairy comes from.

Just FYI that the market value for these models are right around $30k. Nice Price all day...

Jesus Christ dude

My girlfriend does this a lot and it bothers me, but the parking lot in question has angled spots. When we leave, she is essentially “driving the wrong way” in my eyes. Also worried about some clown flying into the space at speed from the other direction.

My coworker drives one of these (in much worse shape). So awesome!

Oh lord. I only do that when switching on/off overdrive if I’m about to go up a big hill on the highway. the A4DL is known to overheat if towing uphill in overdrive.... at this point in it’s life I just consider it towing itself around with how weak it probably is after 200k. Switch from OD to D and CLUNK. I shart a

My old Explorer’s tranny (198k original tranny... god help me) gets all the love and attention I can muster since it’s a ticking time bomb that will finally send my trusty rig to the junkyard. Always used the e-brake trick, and for some reason, it stays in 2nd gear from a complete start a lot until I get it up to