I would add Scrooged as well, which in some ways is a prototype for Groundhog Day. Both even have tragic scenes with homeless men.
I would add Scrooged as well, which in some ways is a prototype for Groundhog Day. Both even have tragic scenes with homeless men.
I think Groundhog Day deserves a bit of credit as a stepping stone into drama for Murray - he certainly pushed for the script to go deeper than it did, and it still gave him the opportunity to run a gamut of emotions and show a bit of growth out of line with most characters he played.
I couldn’t stand Will Ferrell, I alway saw him as a “saying it REALLY LOUD will make it funny!” one-note performer, to the point I refused to watch anything he was in. Stranger than Fiction really made me re-evaluate that. I’m still not a fan of the “LOUD EQUALS FUNNY” school of comedy, but he definitely has more to…
I always liked Conan but didn’t love him until his podcast. I really think it’s the perfect format for him. That and video shoots in foreign countries. Everything else was just holding him back.
Have you seen Bright Lights, Big City?
I have this incredible adoration for Michael J. Fox. When I was in my teens and early 20's, I fell in love with his performance in you-know-which-movies, so much that I actually used to love his barely-passable comedies like Secret of My Success and For Love or Money (hell, I still love The Frighteners, but it’s…
MJF has nothing to prove to anyone. He did his thing like a boss and that’s how he’ll be remembered.
McCartney III? Is this the one where he fights Mr. T?
This was basically me. And I went in with a pretty cynical mindset. I’m sure if I thought for a few minutes I could think of a bunch of ways the story doesn’t make sense, but a) that’s starwars.txt and b) I was just too entertained to care. My thing is it just amazes me that these movies exist at all. I mean the stars…
Ad Astra? Really? The movie was tough to get through because of how heavy-handed the direction was.
Just came here to say how happy I am that The Farewell is on this list. I have legitimately nothing but good things to say about it.
I enjoyed it a whole hell of a lot, so I’ve got no problem with it being there.
I thought Jo-Jo Rabbit was one of the best movies of the year. Granted I haven’t been able to see that many movies, but I don’t know if I’ve ever been to the theater and cried as hard as I laughed in a single movie. It’s the first time I can legitimately use “The Feels” as a way to describe what I felt throughout a…
No kidding. You could ignore most of the movies releasing before the end of the year, but to not wait for Star Wars to see if it lives up to the hype or not makes this list feel somewhat shortsighted.
US was terrible and if anyone other than jordan peele had directed that, it would have been reviewed as rubbish.
I felt exactly the same way, except I’m comfortable saying I did dislike it.
guys but Ad Astra? Ad Astra is like a cold white bread turkey sandwich of a movie that tries way too hard. so disappointing. compared to almost all the others on this good list it has nothing to give.
puuuumped as well. I think Rey is a great character!