
What's that name again?

unless you're an immigrant, person of color, minority, poor, give a shit about morals and ethics, etc. doing ok!


Is this the one with Chris Cornell?


Alternatively, him not going to jail sets the dangerous precedent of allowing a Rapist to go free because he's avoiding extradition.

Elliot Easton on "Touch and Go."
Cortez the Killer by Neil Young.

Just going off the party platform. Glad you're so different!

Except your hashtags clearly show you missed the point. "Liberals" are tolerant of different opinions and beliefs, just not when they impose themselves on or restrict the rights of others. Say, banning abortion or restricting voting for minorities. You seem to be under the impression that "liberals" are intolerant

Shockingly, you missed the point.

I keep reading this. Who said that "liberals" are the party of tolerance, peace, and acceptance. 1) Liberals aren't a party. 2) Liberals believe in justice and equality. That means accepting and tolerating differences, not excusing shithead propagandists who acted as a cancer on American democracy.

To a bigger house!


It's a typo.

The extra B is for BYOBB.

I vote for a sequel that shows what it's like when the White Walkers have taken over the whole world.

Is it still homophobic if it's true?

Wont someone please think of Bill O'Reilly!

Is Dronez cool though?

But these companies were apparently fine with the overt racism, sexism and propaganda peddled by Fox News before…hmm.