
I think you are missing the point.

Pullman's Sally Lockhart series was also very good.

He told me that he could ski - after a very lengthy discussion on how awesome back-country skiing is - and asked me out on the coolest first date ever - let's hop on a train to a nearby ski resort and go skiing for the day! I was so excited. The day approached and we meet at the train station. Like an avid skier, I

This is a really lame reaction on my part, but it totally grosses me out that she is wearing her boots while standing in her bed.

Where I come from, you have "more nerve than an ulcerated tooth" if you do something amazingly good, or amazingly bad.

Slow fades are ok only when they are mutual. If you never call, and they never call, fine. But if someone calls or invites you somewhere and you are not interested, person the fuck up and tell them you are not interested. Letting them continue to contact you without replying is rude. Letting them continue to

Two words: MOS BURGER.

I'd get high with Harry Potter.

A loaf of wonder bread contains 20 slices of bread. You can get them for about $2.00 a loaf. That means that you're $60.00 and some peanut butter away from a big FUCK YOU ASSHOLE avalanche of 300 peanut butter sandwiches the next time some helpless, simpering man-child asks you how many fucking minutes you've been up.

“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he exclaimed.“Babes, this is delicious!” he

Thanks for interviewing all the feminists. Must have taken quite a bit of time.

If someone wrote me a "love letter" that started out with "The first time I seen you..." they would be immediately kicked to the curb.

I say "I know, right?" when I want to channel some bitchy Regina George into a conversation. I don't think I've ever said it seriously.

I say mountains rather than beach. Cool ice water lakes and awesome runs in the woods. But then, I'm a bit broken like that.

*chugs her beer* I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of being an employed, responsible, self-reliant, fun-having, uncommitted, renting, carefree 30 year old :P

This is the first I have seen of this ... but I feel like I have seen this same sort of character in some other medium ...