
Stop trying to make "betch" happen.

I believe the question the world at large meant to ask was "does the world need beauty pageants."

Dear reader - I *hiked*. To impress a boy. I even purchased hiking boots and a backpack. Given that I range between dislike and outright loathing of dirt, that fiery orb in the sky called the sun, and the outdoors in general, you can probably imagine how much I liked this individual. I did draw the line at camping

I carry around a cardboard smile on a stick. It also has been handy in meetings at work or anytime someone asks me why I'm not smiling.


A gift that took thought and time is always appropriate, no matter the contents.

You ate steak, chicken, booze, and a beautiful venue.

What Australian General Morrison said in his PSA means just as much here:

"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept."

How did no one at OK take this golden opportunity to yell "stop the presses!"? Don't we all wish we could do this just once in our lives?

Seriously, have these people never apologized to a person before?

Hey now, some of us greys are good people. :) I don't engage in that nonsense.

Que Onda?

"Brand admired his fellow Brit"

I want to go to there.

Is it just me, or does Joe Francis smile like a trained monkey? I mean, it looks like someone taught him to do that, and he still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it.

Careful with that broad brush you're using. Not all older folks are against gay marriage and not all younger folks are in favor of it. And if I'm an olds does that then make you a youngs? And somewhere in between are there middlin's?

YAY for your comment! As a devoted dog mom, I totally agree. I love celebrating my friends choices - those choices include lots of things, like weddings, babies, homes, trips, pets and degrees. If you don't want to celebrate life's milestones with a side of silliness and puppies, then that's your problem.

The worst part is they seem to all have confused rape and sex. They are using 'rape' where they mean 'fuck'. Those are two entirely different things and that is super concerning.