Yes you are. You are!
Yes you are. You are!
I feel ya. People that shit on things they aren’t being forced to enjoy are strange to me too.
Fair enough.
Spoiler: no one else wants Marc Andre Fleury.
it’s too nice a day to do any real work right now
I will never tire of this joke.
I guess no one has seen The Road To Wellville, eh?
Not Broncos fans! We love him!
For my bachelor party my friends took me to a lesbian pride festival at Delores Park.
Well they’re paid to do that for a reason and you’re not, so I’ll go with them over you. Sound good?
Seems like stupid logic to me, but also I don’t know the full story AND I’m not paid to make these decisions.
Not the greatest defending, but with his goalie right there and no shot at that header, and his job being to man the post, what was he supposed to do there?
Too true. My heart couldn’t possibly take adding YET ANOTHER thrilling skill to the NHL Skills Competition.
No you were just a weirdo.
Fuck Venmo and the like, just be normal humans and talk to each other in person, without your goddamn phones. Millenials!
The only tag that’s freaking out Juan Uribe right now is one that says “Size Medium”.
Murphy didn’t fake Cespedes out, he just disagreed with his baserunning lifestyle.
Don’t be so down, Sad Liverpool Fan, it’s not a real competition anyway!
EDIT: nevermind, I read the recap. My bad.