Lawyer Morty

I really think you need to watch that video again. Or since it seems like you haven’t yet, for the first time.

Thank you, I really will. That’s great advice!

Very well said. And I have been, in this thread anyway.

Well said.

This isn’t the place to toss out your dumb opinions. You’re purposely instigating on an article about online harassment.

First, I’m not in any way upset, it was offputting that someone was being an asshole when I’m trying to ask a legitimate question.

Uhh, I didn’t say that. SandHuskies did.

I am very happy to say that I would not be friends with or let a friend get away with saying something like this in an actual, offline convo.

Yeah, you’re a creep and an idiot. This article is not about her qualities as a sportswriter.

Generally when trying to get someone to hear your concern, it’s not the smartest move to be an asshole to them. That’s what I was saying.

Thanks - I will say though, as I said to someone else on here just a minute ago, that I would NEVER be a follower of someone who said things like this. But when I see it in mentions, etc, I will be sure to call that fuckwad out. Thanks for sparking the convo!

Good idea, but counterpoint: I would NEVER follow someone on social media who would say things like this to anyone.

Thank you, I appreciate this.

What a dumb argument. You are literally saying “the best way to tell which team is the better team, playing each other straight-up doesn’t really mean that much”.

Thank you very much, now THAT was a great response. I’ll definitely keep this in mind. This video really got to me, and I’d like to help, so thanks.

Thanks for the understanding and pleasantry.

This is disgusting and awful. I’d really like to think that only a mentally-challenged or extremely unstable male would write something like that to a female on twitter...

I am being serious when I ask this: what do you think I, a dude named Alex from Denver, could possibly do to stop some disgusting asshat from saying gross, vile shit to a female sports reporter on Twitter, aka The Leading Place To Say Gross, Vile Shit If You Choose?

I’m curious to know when a good time to eat it into a barrier during a bike race would be.

This is certainly the first time a Chin has ever been in-favor with Roger Goodell. I mean, look at that thing.