You And I Both thought the guy in the Mrazek jersey had The Remedy, but I Won’t Worry cause that skinny dude had Absolutely Zero chance of winning.
They make a significant amount more than you and me? Doesn’t seem that hard to comprehend to me.
Yeah rent is so much less expensive than a mortgage here in Denver
I remember this game. I don’t remember this at all. Huh.
+1.21 gigawatts
Actually the league runs on the American dollar - which is why the Canadian teams are in an even bigger shit show than usual. They gotta pay their players in American bucks, which is like paying 45 extra cents on the dollar for them. Shitty.
Dynamite contribution.
Actually you misread what I wrote - I answered the question “how much should you spend on RENT”, to which I say zero... as in, you should spend your money on OWNING your property.
Or they’re like smart people who prefer not to waste money.
Armchair smartasses virtually always forget that condos with an HOA exist.
Where did I say it was free?
This. My wife and I were in an 800 sqft condo in Denver for an insane amount less (including HOA etc) than any apartment in our area and I spent exactly $0 on anything other than a new fridge.
Zero American Dollars. Own your property.
Now THAT is a lazy ass jersey design. Looks like they stole it from a Cold War Soviet league.
Poor Sunderland fans thought they only had ONE relegation to worry about.
So a man named Ricardo had some... ‘SPLAINING to do?
Dem Death Story Truthers.