I get what you’re doing, but in all seriousness wouldn’t a player rather dunk than layup on a walk-in like that? Seems that a dunk would be the less-risky play yet they get shit for it when down in the game.
I get what you’re doing, but in all seriousness wouldn’t a player rather dunk than layup on a walk-in like that? Seems that a dunk would be the less-risky play yet they get shit for it when down in the game.
Get the fuck out of here. There are thousands of rape cases prosecuted exactly as they should be every year. And I’m not some cop-lover, far from it. I’ve seen and heard the police do some awful things and those cops should be locked up. But stop with this EVERY COP EVER HATES WOMEN AND NO ONE EVER IN THE WORLD TAKES…
That’s a pretty absolute statement that is not true. So no one trusts cops enough to report rape cases... yet it happens a lot. Interesting.
1000% agree, and I’m not here to say that there aren’t shitty cops and that they are fuckwads and need to be thrown out - I just hate when someone makes it sound like EVERY COP EVER hates women and that it’s pointless to even try to go to the police cause they hate your body.
Sigh. There are good cops and bad cops. You seem to think every cop ever hates women and invalidates rape cases, but this may blow your mind: some actually do take it seriously.
You use your Jump To Conclusions mat on that one? Jesus, slow your roll, the comment is blunt but accurate - call the police, not some idiot at customer service of a glorified cab company.
Yeeeeep. I don’t know why Screamer can’t have a few writers that aren’t insane with their takes, but whatever.
Ted Cruz doesn’t like the gays.
Learn some fucking grammar you mouth breathing idiot, you sound like a fucking moron.
Almost as great of an article as my favorite Hawt Taek of all time.
This dude is what would happen if Drumpf and Rovell had a fat man baby.
the sort of cheap pig who shills for the Whole Foods house brand
Or, as Ted Cruz calls it, Every Thursday.
A good friend of mine never drinks and he is a blast. Also his wife is quite a drinker and I never understood how that must go, but he’s a super cool dude who would never judge anyone and most often I completely forget he’s not drinking. Plus he’s a great DD and doesn’t mind. Great dude.
Not American?
toooootally. i fall for it every time. i expect to read an article and get this instead.
No no no no! This is ridiculous! Marriage is great, it’s having KIDS that ruins your life.
Make them play the Nuggets in Denver.
Tiger Woods ... played the course’s inaugural round with some kids. One of those kids was 11-year-old Taylor Crozier, who stepped up the first tee and dropped in an ace.
Also, I get all the info I need from the offending player’s reaction - he knows exactly what happened and expects it to be called off, and when the goal stands he seems pretty muted.