But he was limited on making that play... by a player stepping on his foot. It’s tough to jump up to punch a ball with someone else’s foot on yours.
But he was limited on making that play... by a player stepping on his foot. It’s tough to jump up to punch a ball with someone else’s foot on yours.
No kidding. Ohhhh, lah-dee-dah Mr. French-man! It’s a car hole.
Agreed - I think when players who catch a ball for a living get their feet tangled up, it’s less egregious since they’re using their hands - this is a game about feet. Feet getting tangled up = foul.
That is a terrible argument. So if they were at midfield and two players were going for a ball and one stepped on another’s foot, it wouldn’t be a foul? Accident or not?
You took a long time to make an obvious joke. Good work.
I’ve been Jammed.
I was hoping for more of a ‘Fredo on a boat in the lake’ thing but either way, I’m ok with this.
You know what’s equally fucked up? Your headline. The lawyer, who is being paid by his client to help slow their bleeding, is trying to argue that she was successful DESPITE the videos, NOT that the videos DIDN’T HARM HER CAREER, therefore helping his client potentially save a few million dollars.
This times a billion.
Serious ?... is she white? She looks Asian or Hispanic to me.
ESPN, feel free to just add that yellow box around 2016 as well.
Not what I was saying, but I also don’t really agree with that.
At no point does he go in for a hug. He fist bumps a person to the left off camera and fist bumps the dude sitting behind her, there was no hug move from him at all. That dumb lady just thought she’d toss her arms out and get a hug from Kobe?! GROW UP LADY.
Another lucky draw
Don’t worry, your little kid is taking the news just fine - I was watching as they told him!
Who would imagine that a model franchise like the Colorado Rockies would be involved in such shenanigans?
Was that from the good year or the bad year? Probably bad year, huh?
Any sport that involves a playoff system should never have it’s regular season enjoyed by the fans, unless that team went on to win the title in said playoffs and/or you are some kind of weirdo who thinks that “moral victories” are a thing.