estimated 1 to 1.1 million. it was pretty.
estimated 1 to 1.1 million. it was pretty.
Thank you. Apologies all around, everyone. Please enjoy your day.
Very nice.
I hate to do this, but... little help?
In clicking the linker’s twitter account for some context as to why this guy was so jacked on a middle school bball game, I also learned he thinks that a fucking horse should have been the sportsperson of the year, so it kinda makes sense now.
While I dig that scenario, I can’t imagine it’s ever going to happen since cause a Super Bowl ticket costs $14 billion and your first son I don’t see many people lighting up in the stands. Although it would help with the pain of the cost, so maybe...
Preferably in Denver, if I’m picking up what you’re laying down?
I too need a little help here.
“Is he white, black or Hispanic?”
You should read better - they went to the pharma guy’s parent’s house, not a reporter.
+1 sentence structure. Well done.
That seems insane. That’s a ton of money to be throwing around at a player. I have no idea how that makes sense for either side. Plus I didn’t know Jiangsu Suning needed a first baseman.
Holy shit, I’m dying. I love a good Emmett joke. Well done sir.
Unsynchronized audio/video on Youtube should be a crime, I say.
More Highlight Truthering: the first one is “just in front of the half-court line”, eh? Sure you wanna go with JUST in front Tom?
In defense of... shudder... Mark Schlereth, he has done literally exactly what you said to do - start a food company - and is doing morning sports radio here in Denver now. So that’s a bad example.
Sure, baserunning and ground balls might play better on the dirt infield, but did any of you stop to think about how the beer cans will bounce?!
Noice. +1.
Are you asking cause you agree with me? Also my beef was with the “visionary” pass, not the goal. The goal was a fucking beauty.