Lawyer Morty

The problem is two games in a row dropping points against lower-standing teams. This title is gonna come down to the last day and I have a bad feeling 0-0 ties at home to Southampton are gonna bite the Gunners in the ass.

It’s pretty good, I’m just pissed off cause I like Arsenal and the start of the Annual Collapse is starting earlier than usual.

The goal is unreal. The pass is nothing special - a lofted prayer into space to a man in unreal form that outran two defenders? That shit ain’t visionary, it’s lucky.

Said it before, I’ll say it again:

It was the summer of 2012 when we were there, and there were a TON of very large wildfires in CO that summer and several people had died and hundreds lost their homes.

worse - i married into a Steeler family.

“I’ve been doing this all season and no one’s praised me once.”

Russell doing his best Kermit The Frog impression there?

Well if call and response is the only criteria, then... ok?

Bold move, calling me out on some obvious hyperbole, brah. Nailed.

I was probably the guy being annoying about beer at the moment anyway... lol..

I bet - I remember the first game of the 2011 (I think) season was against the Timbers the first year they were in MLS (sound right?) and the traveling Timbers fans were the nicest fucking people ever and partied with us at the British Bulldog and at the tailgate. Good folk, you.

You either mean:

So, just to confirm - you went out of your way to antagonize a group of people on the internet by posting something you knew they’d get fired up about, was met with the action you presumed would happen BUT also saw many many people disparage that behavior, and your takeaway from this was to... write an article

Thank you for your honesty. My wife and I were nearly murdered at Century Link 4 years ago for daring to wear some Colorado gear at a Rapids/Sounders game. Savages.

And when news of the stabbing hit, the Colorado Rapids couldn’t WAIT to trade for him!

+4 USL championship (whatever that is)

If you think that hit was an accident I’ve got a bridge in New York I’d like to sell you...

Things are bad when Michael Beasley is calming you down.

Me and my boy Cliff yelled at this dude 2.5 years ago at a Rapids/RB game over 4th of July... I’d like to think we did this for him.